What are you watching? (TV & Movies)


These days I often watch TV in the background while trimming (somehow still trimming plants from the summer), and I’ve been watching season 1 episodes of Columbo the last couple of days. I was watching today and noticed an actor who plays a bit role (guy who runs the hot dog stand Columbo visits) and instantly recognized him as someone who’s played creepy bad guys in other things. Took me a little while to find his name… Timothy Carey. I’m thinking I was remembering him from Cassavettes’ brilliant “The Killing of a Chinese Bookie” but it turns out he was also in Head, the Monkees’ movie. Also East of Eden alongside James Dean.

Gotta kinda enjoy these shows chock full of old character actors.

That’s him in the center foreground of this photo (with Ben Gazzara on the left, and a strikingly young Seymour Cassel in the background in the cream suit).


8 Moms, and their 8 sons. It works.

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Yesterday I looped Bill Murray’s Groundhog Day at work totalling 4.5 viewings for the whole day.

I got to see him drive into the pit mine every time due to the luck of walking into the equipment cage at the right time, every-time!


Afterwards when hope and settled down after dinner the missus and I re-watched “Edge of Tomorrow”.

We totally won at Groundhog day yesterday!

:rofl: :v:


My co-worker has no idea that today due to this:

I’m going to be projecting this:



I started South Park awhile ago and am up to season 9 already. I forgot how hard that show goes sometimes :laughing:


It’s basically the worst parts of the bible…

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I recall reading an article way back interviewing Matt and Trey about “TEAM AMERICA: World Police” and the concept started as them pitching: “You know that movie The Day After Tomorrow? We want to re-do it with marionettes! It’s already hilarious but we want to do it properly though the medium of puppet theatre.”

It didn’t fly so that project eventually became the masterpeice that Team America is, and then they went all in on Southpark with The Day after Tomorrowwait… that’s TODAY!!!



Funny you should mention the bible cause I was watching the episode where Cartman was using people’s love of The Passion of the Christ to get rid of Jews in town. He’s saying something in German about “Juden” and they’re like “oh it must be ancient Aramaic like in the movie” so they just start chanting it. I’m just sitting there laughing my ass off going Jesus man :laughing:

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“He told me I could have all the Sea men I wanted for free, I just had to close my eyes and suck it through a tube!”


That’s cool that there’s a podcast that discusses them! Of course, their influence goes far beyond the crazy language we speak, but English is an excellently accessible example for most folks!

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I started watching “the wilds” on Amazon. Figured it would be an updated lord of the flies type show…my gosh…it is terrible. Not realistic at all. Seems the people making it were more into the same-sex relationship and male rape stuff. Was extremely disappointed. The show had so much potential…garbage show…would not recommend to anyone.
Edit. The scene I just watched showed a girl hit herself in the head with a rock, claiming she was a monster for catching a rabbit in a survival situation. Said girl is aboriginal. I can’t take anymore. It’s off entirely.


Dark City (1998)
7.6/10 IMDB score


Feel like I should join in the conversation finally…

Funny that you mentioned Barbarian. We just watched this the other night. Justin Long is such a douche in that film, lol.

My wife and I are into movies. We always watch a two or three every weekend after the kid goes to bed. Sometimes she absolutely hates the things I record. When I can tell she’s gonna try and fall asleep, I put on a horror flick. Put a stop to that right quick, hehe. We’ve also been to Sundance Film Festival many times.
I’ve been homebound with an injury lately, so I’ve been watching a lot of random films.
Here’s some weird ones I/we have seen lately:
Under The Skin - Indi film - Scarlett Johansson
The Green Room - twisted nazi vibe horror
The Lobster - Colin Ferrell - disappointed by ending (as I am with most endings)
Film makers have such a hard time tying up a story for some reason. :neutral_face:
The Banshees of Inisherin - This was a pretty good story.
These two we seen as premieres at Sundance. Both comedy drama I would say. But very good stories.
The Fundamentals of Caring
Don’t Worry, He Wont Get Far on Foot

I encourage everyone to at least check out the trailers on IMDB. Tell me what ya think. I’m also curious if anyone has seen any of these other weird ones. :slight_smile:


Ask me, Don’t tell me, drug stories. 1961 mostly about LSD. Good one. I was a disciple of that stuff for quite a while in the 70s and 80s. Vitamins.


Started watching Shantaram last night. Read the book, it was an adventurous story based on a bank robber/heroin addict Aussie (played by Charlie Hunnam) who escapes from jail, flees to India where he ends up in a slum acting as a doctor/drug dealer/forger/Romeo/freedom fighter/mafia etc etc. Over embellished but a fun ride.



The Green Room was pretty good and not a role you’d expect for Patrick Stewart.

Not familiar with the others but I’ll look into them. I’ve gotten plenty of movie suggestions in here that panned out and am always looking for good ones.

I finally watched a film that BROKE me.
“A Serbian Film”
My God what a brutal trainwreck.
I never want to see shit like that again.


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