What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

It’s on Hulu. If you don’t have it you can get a month trial for free and cancel before it bills. Steven King produced it but I don’t know if he wrote any of it. It’s based in his universe and makes reference to different movies and characters throughout which is cool. It doesn’t rely on that to be good though cause the story is awesome, it’s more just neat to catch the subtle ones. It starting out at Shawhank is pretty badass too.


Huuuge! Stephen King fan, have been since 13-14 yo . I really enjoyed this series. Loved how it tied in so many story lines and little things could be found in the background throughout its entirety. I have every Stephen King book up until 2005 or so and have read almost all. I even have two first editions and two signed copies as well as a verified signed poster from the original IT I paid way too much for and I’ve STILL yet to display. I actually just watched one of his movies last night, the new version of….


You’re forgetting Christine and Pet Semitary.
Or The Stand.


Always wished they had made Talisman into a movie.


GOOD CALL, me too! Dark Tower wasn’t what I expected tbh, but was not bad , just not at all what I expected. His old stuff is absolutely phenomenal, just pure talent imho


I read pretty much everything up to Tommyknockers…he lost me on that one. I’ve read a few since then…Needful Things, Green Mile, Bag of Bones, Hearts In Atlantis, 11/22/63, Doctor Sleep…think thats it.


Yep that was weird, hearts in Atlantis was definitely unique too. I always loved eyes of the dragon, Shawshank of course, Green Mile is unreal as well as IT , I’ve even read his stuff under the pseudonym Richard Bachman…. (Many don’t know this) the Bachman books, Rage. That stuff is really good too imo if you haven’t, check it out.

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I have not read bag of bones or 11/22/63

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Both worth reading.

I’ve read another author named Robert MacCammon who writes a similar style as King. He’s hit and miss, but Swan Song (his Stand), Mine, Queen Of Bedlam are all great horror. Boys Life is every bit the ride through nostalgia as IT but without Pennywise… and the terrible ending. And Gone South is a great book about a bounty hunter/Elvis impersonator with a parasitic conjoined twin. Yes you read that right.


Haha crazy! I’ll look into him, haven’t been reading much the last few years, perhaps I need to get back to it, sharpen my mind.

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My daughter bought me a Kindle. I always preferred (or thought I did) an actual book, but I read way more with it when I go to bed. Cause I can actually SEE!!! :grin:


Welp, I just finished Knock Knock. That movie is messed up! Keanu Reeves is great, but that poor guy. Shoulda known it would be twisted cuz it was directed by Eli Roth.


Nice, I wanna see that, yep Eli is a sick f!?$ haha! But I love it!

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Lol I’m still the guy that forgets you can “google” stuff and use my computer for OG and a few other places, Instagram and one source of my seed inventory. Haha I was like tf’s a kindle , then I googled it and instantly remembered when I saw it haha! I swear I’m the only person in my age group who hasn’t fully embraced this stuff :man_facepalming:t2:


No, no you’re not. Mine was forced on me! :grin:


Ok, I can’t do it, just can’t!
Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie

There were big names in this film that I’ve enjoyed in the past like Will Ferrell, Zack Galifianakis, John C Riley, and even Jeff Goldblum. So I thought I’d watch it, knowing it’d be a little dumb. But hell, I hated the Austin Powers movie the first time that I saw it. Same with Anchorman, and many others. So I thought I’d give it a chance.

I really tried. I can enjoy a stupid comedy on occasion. But this one, NO. Just no. Rarely will I completely walk out on a movie. Mostly because I’m already 20 minutes in and feel invested. But in this case I made it to sixteen minutes. I should have shut it of at six! :-1:

I’d like to hear if anyone has attempted to watch this thing, and if they made it through it, lol.


Like Dory… I just :notes: “Kept on smoking.” :notes: .


I think that might be the problem. I don’t currently partake. Maybe I gotta be high to watch this thing.

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Blasphemy!!! :smile: