What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

Sunday morning, might as well:

I think i have hit rock bottom


Nope. Rock bottom looks more like that new Winnie the Pooh horror movie that just came out.

Everyone do yourself a favor… Don’t watch this. It’s absolutely awful. I thought I’d check it out for maybe a good laugh. Oh man it was not worth it.

s-l400 (14)


Nothing about that picture makes me anything less than very interested in that movie :laughing:

In the above post, I’ve included a link to a Broadway show that stars the juggling group, The Flying Karamazov Brothers. The show is their rendition of William Shakespeare’s “Comedy of Errors.” Live on Broadway! It’s real Shakespeare with very few alterations. Here’s a memorable one -

“In Syracuse you wear a suit and a tie (ominous music)…
In Ephesus you juggle or die!!! (big musical crescendo!)”

Not quite as Bill wrote them, but you can see how they convey the spirit of the show, and of course it’s all built around the real words. This is some serious fucking comedy along with some (every pun intended) killer acting!

Okay, @Lady.Zandra63 comes to mind as I post this. I think it’s because she has a background in classical art, and boy oh boy, is this ever classy art! HA!

If you are in any way a fan of comedy, you should check it out. It’s really pee in your pants funny.

Oh, and there’s no need to know the story or be comfortable with Shakespeare’s English. If you are either a native English speaker (doesn’t matter from where) or are comfortable with spoken English as a second language, you’ll do just fine.


I didn’t have time to watch all of it…yet…
But I LOVE the mixed imagery!!
The Eastern music and dance, Clowns, Jugglers… I do foreswear…
I enjoyeth it -truely!
Thanks!!! :blush:
(Oh-- the’‘hey you-- ‘z’ all right’’’ bit brought back some fun memories!

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We watched one last night called Midsommer. Holy shit! I’m gonna have to rewatch that. Very well filmed. Gives you a feeling of an acid trip. Weird. The faces and foreground stuff is crystal clear but in a lot of scenes the background is that kinda twisty, trippy look. Flower and leaves blooming and dieing all in the same scene. Gives a very cool effect. Get really blazed and watch this. Pretty cool film, in my opinion.


There was a discussion on Reddit recently about the best depiction of a psychedelic experience on film, and Midsommar was the most mentioned.


Binge watching Blacklist at the moment…
Plan on watching Avatar 2 and Black Adam this weekend as well as John Wick 3…
Movie weekend!

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I enjoyed the shit out of that; the brutal parts at least. I’m really looking forward to Dwayne Johnson even more when he starts playing full-on bad-guys :smiley:


Best fictional mushroom trip on film.


I’m not sure where I saw the trailer for E.M.P. 333 (I’m thinking in this thread) but the subject matter is right up my alley. Unfortunately the movie itself was mediocre. I’m not bummed I watched it but I found myself on my laptop and not pausing if I got up for anything.

re-watching the walking dead. i haven’t seen the last few seasons. i stopped watching because it became too much like a soap opera but i’m going to give it another chance. i’m not even done with season 1 episode 1 so we’ll see how it goes. it takes a shit ton of time to get through all these seasons.


Woke up early… magnetic storms all day… so I put on a classic Bill vs Spiders movie!

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So the missus and I finally watched “Dances with Smurfs: Beautiful but Boring” last night and 100% hands down was that a repetitive mess of a clip show! :face_vomiting:

Another name for it could be: “A, Vatar: Why am I Still Watching This?”

Watched Singularity last night and it was interesting enough to keep watching and a decent concept but also feels like it didn’t live up to it’s potential.

I’m watching Lilly Munster…


That’s old school right there!
I just finished this while tending to the ladies


I have always saw a parallel between Dances With Wolves and Avatar. Same story. One in the old West and one on another planet. But same basic storyline.


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