What Are Your Go-To Strains For Anxiety?

eat more bay! :+1:


Hops too, most of em are pretty high in myrcene and humulene


My holy grail for anxiety relief is the 1969 Kashmiri (Sirnoo village) from the Landrace Preservation Society. It was selected by the folks in Sirnoo specifically for meditation and yoga as well as GI relief and menstrual pains. To me, it provides a comfortable and reflective headspace as well as relief from physiological anxiety symptoms.


Mangoes too, while we’re at it.


Good call they’re super high in myrcene if I remember correctly


That sounds very interesting, I’ll check it out.


Hell yeah let me know what you think if you end up trying it! :hugs::seedling: it’s been a blessing for me this winter, my mental health is in a really funky spot and I’ve been finding the Sirnoo kashmiri great for guiding me through and processing/ contextualizing the heavy shit. The only thing I’d say is that it’s definitely more of a later in the day smoke for me. While it’s not a physically heavy smoke, with certain phenos I find myself getting blissfully carried off to slumber a little earlier than intended :joy: but it also carries the reflective and anxiety relieving headspace (as well as a nice amount of minor cannabanoids like cbg) to anything it touches when it comes to outcrosses, so if you find a male I’d def recommend throwing some pollen on any females you want to carry that effect across to.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:


Any heavy indica bubble hash. That’s what I like to grow indica always, unless it’s a slight hybrid …my go to for anxiety is hash. A hefty amount. Bubble hash to be specific,… I love my flower, but my go to I always hash. My anxiety disorder, well its severe enough that I don’t really go out much in public. If I do I need to be numb to the world,… edibles are great but the tolerance builds to the point where your taking 500mg thc to get medicated… I’ve been just churning out hash and I keep my proto pipe packed full. :upside_down_face:


Hell yeah, smoking on some hash now someone gave me for Christmas and I really enjoy it… This is my second time trying it. , I had a few ounces of trim/shake I made into green dragon but I’m not that big a fan of it to be honest wish I made some hash instead. Gonna read up on making bubble hash

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I’ve heard from folks that the old school purples were very good for anti anxiety effects. Currently waiting on some GDP seed and some other to see for myself. I’m after the relaxing anti anxiety effects myself, I’ve had good luck with some 1:1 varieties as well. @thecurtainwith I looked up that Kashmiri in the LPS site and it sounds super intriguing, might have to try that one too, I got some other Kashmiri seeds here on OG figuring they’d have very relaxing effects as well


yea man thanks for the help! Its definitely going on my list of strains to try. The way you make it sound seems like I would love it. Who knows maybe ill do a grow log on here one day with it :joy:


Somas lavender is the perfect go to for anxiety. I love it… I need to make a mother… when time comes I will search some soma beans!. I use wacky bags for my bubble hash…


If you do let me know- I’d love to see it!

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Blue dream is a good one for anxiety. The satins dominant variety. Just wipes out anxiety. I find it good for depression too. My local dispensary was selling an indica dominant variety they claimed to be blue dream… couldn’t believe it. I paid 25 buck’s for that crap gram of weed they called medicinal… And there are lines of people out there doors often… But yeah blue dream is a good one!


Love Blue Dream. The few times I tried it, it really seemed to mellow me out. And thats what im talking about man my local dispensaries aren’t even worth it, you pay at least $50 for an eighth not including tax and most of the stuff have little to none smell or flavor. Seems like it’s all rushed out the door before it gets a chance to cure properly. Will be a great day when they allow the ma and pa growers to sell and have farmers markets!

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75 bucks an eighth here and it’s almost always mid grade at the dispensaries. If you saved your money for a month you could buy what it takes to grow quality. And of course reading og.

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Exactly what I did. I took part of the stimulus and bought a small 2x2 grow think it was roughly $400 to get started growing. I saw it as an investment for the long run, it saves me a ton of money and I can make side money if I absolutely needed to for some reason. Already impressed with the quality vs what I’ve bought over the years. Just need to dial in my curing… Thankfully I have OG :pray:


It’s so funny being on the east coast and being essentially behind the 8 ball in terms of the west coast cannabis market. so many varieties like blue dream and the old school purps you now hear people basically saying they’re over it, on to the next. For me I’m basically like “if I haven’t smoked it, it’s new to me!” So I feel like I’m chasing thier tail asking about these “old” varieties. Anyone know where to cop some legit blue dream?!? :joy::joy::rofl::rofl:

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also curious where to cop legit blue dream