What are your latest seed purchases? Post those new packs & purchase info here

Like @MonsterDrank said, it makes sense to keep them properly. Think of the investment in those packs - at least $1k, what’s a hundred bucks to keep them in good shape?

Freezing the seeds makes sense only if they stay frozen. So if you’re not going to get into that ziplock for 15 years, sure, toss them into a Mason jar and chuck in your freezer. If you are getting into them more than that it’s best to not freeze them, but keep them cool and dry.

There’s several threads with lots of details about why/how/the science of it.

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@Animosity toss them into a freezer zip lock bag, toss that into an actual thermos & cap it snugg, toss that into the deep freezer where you won’t remember them for 15yrs!

Trust me on this!

Otherwise, Cool & Dark place… Like the fridge crisper or a pantry shelf! Either way, in a thick ziplock bag at minimum & inside something hard (Thermos) to protect against being hit/drioped and/or changing temperatures.


Do I need a dedicated fridge or will my normal fridge be ok?

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My normal fridge ok? Or do I need to buy a seperste one? Spending lot on electricity as is :rofl:

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@Animosity the way I see it is this… your food fridge has a door that opens and closes a bunch of different times of the day. Temp swings and humidity aren’t as stable as a dedicated fridge… like a mini fridge… but you gotta be careful with those too. I bought 2 of these mini fridges years ago without a compressor that ran on some kind of thermal electric power… both didn’t last 2 years. I’m no refrigerator expert but a regular mini fridge with a compressor and no freezer is exactly what I bought… Best Buy had a Danby 1.6 Cu. Ft. Mini Fridge for $180. I picked that up… some airtight containers and a big 1 pound bag of silica desiccant on Amazon… I document which packs go in which container to keep sense of the inventory at all times and only open the fridge to add new packs or to take something out… which doesn’t happen very often.


Does the desiccant go in fridge or into containers? What kind of power does the fridge pull? Easy way to tell if it has a compressor and why is that important vs not having one?

50-100W would be a reasonable power consumption. Desiccant in containers. The packaging/description will tell you the type. There’s a ton of threads about it like Doug says. There’s some thermal stability subtleties between the two but we’ve already filled threads about it :rofl:

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I love the thermo idea, for a bunch of reasons and uses. I’ve never thinked about it before ^^ No vault here, i launch all the seeds stored in the fridge within the year (my rule to don’t get more).

I have been keeping them in the butter drawer for a couple of years but there’s not enough space anymore so they’ll probably end up in a box on the shelf, but yeah - fridge works great, any fridge.

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Got some Respect Genetics exodus cheese S1 x cheesedog anyone grow this one yet?

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Just ordered some Kandahar Black and Dead Celebrity from Blackbird directly and also ordered some Grapefruit F4s from SowLow Farms since I missed Professor P’s Grapefruit Drop!


Grabbed these too from Genetic Supply! Got all the Classics I want finally I’m gonna pass on Jack Skellington and the Harlequin crosses, Querkle as well since I already have Deep Purple! Shhhh don’t tell my wife hahaha! :fire::fire::fire::joy::joy::joy::metal::metal::metal:


My last Bodhi order from Shoe will be here Saturday!


I don’t make sound financial decisions.


And again, and only for a single male ^^ Fingers crossed, let’s pop it on the fly.


I apparently also don’t make sound financial decisions :flushed:


These came in today. Picked up the DJ Shorts for nostalgia. Heard not so great things may just look at them. Lol Came with a few freebies though! (Attitude US)


Is there room on that bandwagon?

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Investments bro…

Grew some of those back in 2009 or 2010 big buds but don’t remember the smoke being all that good luck on your hunt though very well might be different from the older version