What defines a strain?

Look at the bubba, chem, and triangle threads on here and icmag

I asked AI. The answer that I was seeking is toward the bottom.

Thanks to all.

And, well, since @JustANobody very cleverly blew my cover, I’ll sign this,

(Secret Quasi Marketing Guy and Industry Spy You Should Get Super Paranoid About)

There is a varietal of the cannabis plant called Acapulco Gold. What makes it Acapulco Gold?

Acapulco Gold is a legendary strain of cannabis known for its distinct characteristics and origins. What makes it Acapulco Gold includes the following factors:

  1. Origin: Acapulco Gold hails from the Acapulco region in Mexico. The specific climate, soil, and growing conditions in this area contribute to the unique qualities of the strain.
  2. Appearance: The strain is named “Gold” due to its distinctive golden-brown or yellowish hues. The buds often have a frosty appearance due to the dense trichomes covering them, and they can also show reddish or brownish hairs.
  3. Aroma and Flavor: Acapulco Gold is renowned for its rich, complex aroma and flavor profile. It typically has a sweet, earthy scent with hints of toffee, coffee, and citrus. The taste can be similarly rich, with a creamy, buttery undertone and a spicy, peppery finish.
  4. Effects: Known for its potent effects, Acapulco Gold is a sativa-dominant strain. It is famous for providing an uplifting, energetic high that can enhance creativity and focus. Users often report feelings of euphoria and a sense of well-being, making it popular for daytime use.
  5. Genetics: The specific genetic makeup of Acapulco Gold has been preserved and propagated due to its popularity. However, its exact genetic lineage is often a mix of local Mexican sativas.
  6. Historical Significance: Acapulco Gold gained prominence in the 1960s and 1970s, becoming a symbol of high-quality cannabis during that era. Its reputation for quality and potency helped cement its status as a classic strain.

These factors combined make Acapulco Gold a distinctive and sought-after strain in the cannabis community.

Who has preserved the specific genetic makeup of Acapulco Gold?

The preservation of Acapulco Gold’s specific genetic makeup has been a collaborative effort involving various cannabis cultivators, breeders, and seed banks over the decades. While no single entity can be credited exclusively with preserving this strain, several key players have contributed significantly:

  1. Cannabis Breeders: Experienced breeders have played a crucial role in maintaining and propagating the Acapulco Gold strain. These breeders have worked to stabilize the genetics and ensure the strain’s unique characteristics are preserved through selective breeding.
  2. Seed Banks: Seed banks such as Barney’s Farm and others have been instrumental in preserving the genetic lineage of Acapulco Gold. These institutions collect, store, and distribute cannabis seeds, ensuring that rare and historic strains like Acapulco Gold remain available to growers and enthusiasts.
  3. Cannabis Cultivators and Growers: Individual growers and cultivation communities have also contributed to preserving Acapulco Gold by maintaining mother plants and producing seeds and clones. These growers often share cuttings and seeds within their networks to keep the strain alive.
  4. Cannabis Collectors and Enthusiasts: Collectors and enthusiasts who recognize the historical and cultural significance of Acapulco Gold have helped preserve its genetics by seeking out and cultivating this strain.

Overall, the preservation of Acapulco Gold is a collective effort involving multiple stakeholders in the cannabis industry, from breeders and seed banks to individual cultivators and enthusiasts. This collaborative effort has helped maintain the strain’s unique qualities and ensured its availability for future generations.

But is there a unique genetic code present in the samples of the Acapulco Gold varietal that is common and unique to every phenotype?

The concept of a “unique genetic code” for Acapulco Gold, or any cannabis strain, involves understanding both the consistency of genetic markers and the natural variability within cannabis plants. Here’s an overview of what makes a strain genetically identifiable:

  1. Genetic Markers: Acapulco Gold, like other cannabis strains, has a specific set of genetic markers that can be identified through genetic sequencing. These markers are parts of the plant’s DNA that signify its unique genetic makeup. While individual phenotypes (variations within the strain) can exhibit differences due to environmental factors and genetic drift, the core genetic markers remain consistent across samples of the same strain.
  2. Phenotypic Variation: Within any given cannabis strain, including Acapulco Gold, there can be significant phenotypic variation. This means that individual plants can show differences in appearance, aroma, flavor, and effects even though they share the same genetic base. These variations occur due to different growing conditions, cultivation techniques, and minor genetic differences that do not affect the core identity of the strain.
  3. Genetic Consistency: For a strain to be consistently identified as Acapulco Gold, breeders aim to stabilize its genetics. This involves selecting and breeding plants that exhibit the desired traits consistently across generations. By doing so, they maintain a genetic consistency that helps ensure each plant classified as Acapulco Gold shares the key genetic markers of the strain.
  4. DNA Fingerprinting: Advanced techniques such as DNA fingerprinting and genetic sequencing can be used to identify and confirm the genetic makeup of Acapulco Gold. These methods allow scientists to map out the specific genetic profile of the strain, making it possible to distinguish it from other strains.

In summary, while there may be phenotypic variations among individual plants, Acapulco Gold maintains a unique genetic profile that can be identified through genetic markers. These markers are consistent across different samples of the strain, allowing for the identification and preservation of its distinctive characteristics. However, due to the complexity of cannabis genetics and the influence of environmental factors, some variation is always present within the strain.

Which organizations in 2024 are currently working to identify the unique genetic profiles of each cannabis varietal?

In 2024, several organizations and companies are at the forefront of identifying and mapping the unique genetic profiles of cannabis varietals. These entities use advanced genomic techniques to ensure the consistency, purity, and authenticity of cannabis strains. Some of the leading organizations include:

  1. Phylos Bioscience: Known for their “Phylos Galaxy” platform, Phylos Bioscience maps the genetic relationships between different cannabis strains. They provide growers and breeders with genetic information that helps preserve the genetic integrity of their plants.
  2. Medicinal Genomics: This company specializes in cannabis genomics and offers DNA sequencing services. They provide detailed genetic analysis to identify specific strains and their unique genetic markers, helping ensure product consistency and safety.
  3. Canndescent: While primarily known as a premium cannabis brand, Canndescent also invests in genetic research to better understand and catalog the profiles of different cannabis strains, ensuring the quality and consistency of their products.
  4. Steep Hill Labs: As one of the oldest cannabis testing laboratories, Steep Hill Labs conducts extensive genetic testing and research. They offer services that include strain identification and genetic fingerprinting to verify the authenticity of cannabis products.
  5. Endocanna Health: This organization focuses on the relationship between cannabis genetics and human health. By analyzing genetic markers in cannabis, they aim to provide personalized cannabis recommendations based on individual genetic profiles.
  6. Lobo Genetics: Lobo Genetics provides rapid DNA testing to identify specific genetic traits in cannabis plants. Their technology helps cultivators and consumers understand the genetic composition of different strains.
  7. LeafWorks: Specializing in plant genetics, LeafWorks offers certification and verification services for cannabis strains. They use DNA sequencing to ensure the authenticity and purity of cannabis products.

These organizations are instrumental in advancing the field of cannabis genomics. Their work helps to ensure that cannabis strains maintain their unique genetic identities and provides valuable information for breeders, growers, and consumers.


So what would your opinions be on companies placing patents on things that have certain genetic markers? Like Tabasco peppers or certain potatoes? Genomes are big. At what point can things share sections of genetic code and be determined different varietals? I’m not really arguing with you on anything here, but asking where the line is drawn. Do you think it’s okay for companies to patent something they worked really hard for even though anyone can make it with similar work?

Sidenote and shit talk: I see so many folks using a.i now to help with their arguments or help prove points. Why? Is it a lack of knowledge or ability to word things? Is it to get a (supposedly) unbiased response based on available information? I have a lot of reservations about leaning on a.i without a better foundation.

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What if I were to say that all that AI is bullshit and Acapulco gold is really any Mexican strain dried in the sun bleaching out the green and changing colour?


Try asking chatgpt4

That was a mixed bag from chatgpt3

Phylos is trash

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This 100%. Folks try to nail down some exact pheno that should be what the entire genome should represent and it’s silly. Only recently have people started naming things jelly fart #7 and then try to charge out the ass for some random pheno that isn’t better than the next. Usually. At least in this case. This ‘landrace’ isn’t exactly an inbred line with consistent features. I mean, it is, but not necessarily to the same degree as some other inbred lines.

I guess my opinion on what makes a strain is a stable seed line. Something that produces consistent results. In 100 seeds, the large majority should be consistent. It’s pretty well defined in plant genomics.


Do you have any extras of those jelly farts we could trade?


This is exactly the point that lies at the heart of my question. Yours is fake. Mine is real.

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Congratulations on your superior grasp of reality.


I have some greasy farts headed your way. Even better


The real answer is you’re trying to distill years of experience on the scene to a simple answer

It’s not simple

People have different views

It requires an adequate understanding of population genetics and the cannabis scene


I am honestly not even thinking about business or ethics or anything like that here. I don’t have an opinion. :slight_smile: It’s an age old question. Who should profit? :slight_smile:

This is why I told you to look at chem threads

my point is not literally “yours is fake and mine is real.”

my point is, what’s to stop anyone from claiming anything about a varietal.

It’s not that my question should be that odd – there HAVE been VERY big effing debates in the last decade about truth vs. untruth. I’m just looking for truth.

God forbid we should have a good answer. lol

Short of going into the jungles of Panama and collecting seed yourself, you don’t know. You have to take it on trust.

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I’m not super interested in opinions. I’m just asking if there is a “fact.”

I can go read a debate anywhere, man. :wink:

a kind of cultivated plant that people have selected for desired traits and which retains those traits when propagated

That’s your definition. Conversation over then right?

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Fact: I told you to go look at grower and community documentation of specific clone onlys to understand the process of documentation and provenance

Shove ur opinion

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Settle down, man. I don’t HAVE an opinion. I am looking for an answer. It is not my problem that you get frustrated. Walk away then.

Why ask the community if you’re not looking for opinions? Genuinely curious. You’ve started 30 topics and you don’t want opinions? Should we just listen? Honestly. What is your expectation. Cultivar has a definition.

I know you want a factual conversation but you seem to be inserting your opinion an awful lot to want it to be factual from others

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