What defines a strain?

I was asking the community if anyone knew if there was an agreed-upon standard.

A standard is, by definition, fact.

That means, by definition, not opinion.

You can listen, or volunteer your (self-identified) opinion, or share what you know. You can move on and not comment if you get frustrated. You CAN’T act like your opinion is fact.

I’m only interested in the answer. I don’t have any informed opinion, and I don’t think I’ve even shared many, if any. Hence the question.

Which, btw, IS a valid question that DOES have an answer, apparently, since multiple large companies are working on it.

I’m just confused because cultivar has long had a definition. Cannabis doesn’t magically get its own system. What you seem to want to do is ignore definitions and create a new one that you’re a part of? Cultivar is defined. I didn’t do it. It’s been done for a while. Since 1923 if you want. There’s a fact

I am pretty sure standards change over time…unless you disagree. which makes them an agreed upon judging point. It doesn’t define much other than a cut-off line. Like a genetic sequence or cannabis that’s been bleached by sun drying

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I like this question ^^

My deep opinion on this point is that at the moment this type of defense is invoked, the game is over. The best win, ever. Throw a “fake” on the table that is twice better than the “original” … and Darwin take the lead after.

Now, the same way, i imagine someone that develop an IBL with sacrifice and dedication then … an obvious and blatant “alternative” is offered somewhere else that is twice better. The “hoarder” of the line is just supposed to have the best version possible, by the momentum gained on everyone else.

To rename everything and wrapping it with storytelling is really a move of coward but even in this case too … if the coward make the best version ?


My opinion

A huge majority of “what makes a specific strain” is respecting the work of the breeder or chucker who created/released it :man_shrugging:. By that, what I mean is, whoever crossed “strain A” with “Strain B” and created “C-Ya Later” should ultimately get the recognition of being the person who created that. Now, that doesn’t mean they have any exclusivity to it, there’s nothing stopping you from then creating your own “C-Ya” crosses, but, you should be acknowleding whose gear you’re using to then create your work.

It’s like writing a book report in school; have your citations on point if you want to have a good grade within the community :wink: :+1:


I could be wrong, but I think he’s asking “how do we know that strain x is actually strain x”.

If that is what you’re asking, the answer is we don’t. You can call any strain anything you want to, and no one would know the difference.

That’s a fact.


Somebody’s gonna do that someday. . .for better or worse, they will. . .

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Happen all days in the street buddy … even in the dispensaries full of pesticide lol Well it’s a double-darwinian game then ^^

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That is precisely what I’m asking. What makes a particular strain a strain.

I’m not asking for the definition of the word “cultivar.”

So, continuing to evolve the answer. . .

maybe it is some genetic sequence (as above) IN ADDITION TO other commonly-accepted attributes (appearance, smell, region, etc.)?

Brilliant answer, man. :smile: Okay, I’ll revise: when done AT SCALE, it will be bad, I think. lol

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And as I said elsewhere. This isn’t MY claim, lol wow. It is a claim ANYONE can make, unless there’s a standard.

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Knowing if the strain is legit ALSO comes down to respect, if you think about it.

Case in point; i missed the Chernobyl boat and couldn’t get my hands any TGA Subcool gear, so I was resigned to getting S1’s made by someone who garnered respect within the community :man_shrugging: turned out super legit. Respectable forum breeder with legit gear, I was STOKED

Counter point; I was given OG Kush fem seeds that came from a white label company, grew one out, and it was IN NO WAY any type of OG nor Kush, not even close. Was an ok plant but no way in hell was it what it said it was. No respect, lemme tell ya

**And that actually brings up a good point too. …You have to really know what you’re aiming for, if I wasn’t personally familiar with OG Kush and its variants, that white-label seed coulda slipped right by me and I’d be telling my buddies it’s something it’s not, so that fell on me to be educated enough to know what to expect in something. …??


White Labels are a subject on its own for this. The infernal turn over (of “contractors” and volumes) make possible to get a real deal as well that a random shit ^^

Anyway this kind of supermarket is not there generally to offer any transparency or accurate controls, their targets just don’t give a damn fuck (as a mass).


This is really all we have to go by. People of integrity. That’s why I don’t get too hung up on strain names. They’re a reference. I can tell you this, the strains with names like chem, blueberry and diesel look very different today than they did twenty years ago. Call it bad memory, outcrossed or genetic drift, but they are not exactly the same.


This pisses me off, and this is the kind of crap that a better system would mitigate.

I’m gonna assume most other people here feel the same way, but I personally am done trying to find commonalities here. :wink:

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I got you, but in another hand this is necessary as well and work for us, as “stoner’s community” trough the popularization. “All ways lead to OG” :rofl:, then things sometimes get more torque that just shopping lists.

My opinion is that “waiting a better one” (system) is utopian, because it’s already an ecosystem. It’s more a question to know how you want to inject a new leverage inside, and if it’s really a leverage as well ^^

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This is interesting and, imo, you are probably spot-on. Esp in terms of what will actually happen (in reality). …

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I like the way you think. I hadn’t thought of this. It’s a little esoteric in my opinion but it is absolutely spot on, to me

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Learned something @navy66 Thanks alway room for knowledge in my small brain

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you and me both, buddy :slight_smile: