What did I do wrong?

Left to right. Pay attention. I started with 2 seeds of Forbidden fruit. Sex unknown. I topped both at week 4 and rooted my cuts. Kept the mother’s in 12/12 whilst spraying colloidal silver until I knew the sex one plant mother reversed and the clone flowered the other plant never showed sex even under that much 12/12. So from left to right. A clone from the original plant that was reversed and pollen extracted then put outdoors and reveged now flowering. The seedling to the far right is now what I call a successful selfed strain. Yay me. The center is a clone from my 16.oz @MadScientist 4th annual challenge. Look at the color difference between indoor love and outdoor heatwave.lol


Sweet! Laziness wins again haha


I know right…I guess that some strains need the bad phenos removed. I’ll try to make another run at selfing this with the original again. I loved the way it grows and hopefully get to try some of the 16oz. CHALLENGE @ HALLOWEEN. SEEDLING IN NEW HOME FOR NOW.


Hey ive had problems with seeds ive made myself. Probably the most difficult experience I had was try to pop the sweettooth×blueameneisa autos I made. I had cracked them; got a small tail… then dead. Most wouldnt crack. I hand cracked every seed and eventually got a couple to germinate out of about 100. Mushroomy seeds are hard to germ. Even when they look brown let them get black before harvesting. They practicly pop themeselves out of the buds when ripe enough to germ. Hope this helps.


Yeh I’m always learning new things. I have an awesome cross seeding outdoors as we wait. Gonna have to really pace myself. These create some of the largest Dank Fire Pungent Fruity flavors imaginable on enormous dense buds.


Ya I don’t use the peroxide but as soon as the tap is about .5 inches I stick them into soil!! But temp can and WILL FOR SURE cause this issue!! And peeps gotta remember just like my son’s ARE NOT gonna be MICHEAL FUCKING JORDAN you can only get whatever the seed is predisposed to produce!! And I’ve seen a lot of peeps complaining about Hermie plants a lot LATELY which I don’t hey because either the beans are from a complete jackass or the grower is stressing the fuck out of the plants!! Remember 99.999% of the time it’s the grower introducing issues and not the plant BRINGING them!!

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Problem is there are so many strains with hermi traits that show up under even a little stress. Good genetics shouldn’t hermi unless you really messed up somewhere. There are strains that won’t hermi at all, there’s a couple posts where people talked about it not reversing even with different silver treatments.

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I’ve stressed the shit out of these seeds. No hermies.