What did i do wrong?

No worries. As I say, they got lots of life left in them. Stop and reset, you will get them under control.


That Calcium excess could have also blocked Phosphorous:


Keep in mind this chart, it may help you to understand the relationship between them … beer3|nullxnull


In the back corner shelf is the bottle of LITFA give them all a big drink roll a reefer and wait.


If you really want better control with your existing water, get a test done. Again. So you know, not wonder. Or RO.
I should, but haven’t. I think you can get one thru JR Peter’s. Jacks ferts. Wasn’t expensive. Cheaper and less frustrating than wondering WTF.


Good ph and ppm meter just check your inputs and outputs is all I’ve ever done .
I’m using well water and it changes with the seasons so getting a test is mute.


:joy_cat: too funny

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I hope I didn’t come across as a smart ass that wasn’t my intention.

I’d be leaning more to a ph issue as well .


What reading are you getting out of the well before you add anything?

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I thing George is spot on. I ran ff trio my first round with the kush ive got going. I supplemented with cal -mag and the same thing happened. I ran just phd water for a few days then hit them with 1/2 strength trio, no more cal-mag and it all worked out. The already damaged leaves didn’t green up but all new growth was good.


Yes this seems to be the culprit. Thanks for that insight

All i know until tomorrow is that it is wet when it comes out of the faucet.

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I thought it was funny as hell

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So any idea what ph your well water is ? I’d think you’ll want between 6.2 6.5 max .

How long have you been in flower? If it’s week 6-8 just ignore the yellowing; you’ll prefer the quality of the flower IME if you let it eat up all the fertilizer. :v


Yes so i think it is partly that as well. It has roughly 4-5weeks to go

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This was on sept 26 so they are abt 5 weeks in im guessing

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That’s subjective lol

Foxfarm Grow
Big Bloom
Tiger Bloom
Alaskan Fish Ferts
Cal Mag
Kelp Me Kelp You
Sweet Candy
Open Sesame

I must like to juggle “me bottles” between my donkey dick colas :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


I think they look fine man, keep doing what your doing, maybe throw a micro dose of balanced nutes in there once a week :peace_symbol: wait a min I see I answered to an old photo from sept 26, my advice is to still micro flush with a micro dose of balanced nutes with a half dose of cal mag to unlock whats locking up. :peace_symbol: