What does everyone think about high light intensity just after germination?

Yeah a 1000w light is wasteful is you use it for 4 seedlings…

But you can fit 576 per 40"x40"
Or 1296 per 72"x72"


I’m in a 4x4… so … that would deffo be wasteful in comparison… if I were going that large… I’d just small greenhouse the damn thing outside every year with light supplementation for dimmer type days or seasons… but looks great @Mithridate


How did this thread become a light preference thread anyway??? :rofl:

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OK man I get that… but then what? With a 4x4 tent ?Lol

Well personally I was addressing the high light intensity by showing 2 weeks rotations, I never mentioned any specific type of light source :wink:

Say you dgaf and wanted to grow a fat patch outdoors, that’s how I’d do it hehe

I show a lot of my 2x4 shenanigans, and can tell you that t5s are cool and all but plants grow much slower…

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Oh ok my bad I thought you were referring to my statement on the waste it is in comparison on electric bill… lmao… ugh… texts… just don’t relay things correctly sometimes haha… my bad brother… nevertheless… looks great! And I deffo dgaf… and will do it when I move for sure lmao! Legal state… but not that many haha @Mithridate

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Exactly!!! I’m hating the t5 lights… it’s what I had to default to for veg at the moment… I know this led can grow seed to chop… I just can’t do it for some reason… well lots of reasons… #1 I’m a newbie #2 I had ph instability #3 I had incorrect vpd info #4 two hanna pens I bought were total shit from day 1… took a while to realize… (bluelab everyone!!!) #5 then had Temps way too low similar to incorrect vpd charting… # 6 I overwatered … just now getting it… #7 I wasn’t feeding correctly because I didn’t either lower ppms each feed in a rotation that bounces every 3rd or 4th time back to initial higher feed… or didn’t do a flush feed only every other feed or every 3rd feed causing buildup fast!!

Now that that is lined out mostly… I think I can start giving better data on the subject… but I’m staying silent until I know for sure… but the vpd and radiant heat thing… are already written in stone… it’s truth… but to be continued!!!


Ikr!!! It’s like the led does in 1 day what a t5 will do in 7… that’s why I’m desperate to line the led out hahaha

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I wouldn’t stress the vpd thing in veg at all… let them build some mass and your tent will be plenty humid :wink:

Then in flower I’d focus on temperature first, this alone should solve a lot of small problems.

The vpd thing to me is really once your rooms are dialed and you are not seeing more gains runs after runs then you start to mess with co2, vpd etc to get those 5% more yield 5% higher quality bumps…


Yeah with t5s you really have to keep the tubes a few inches from the tops to maximize the low wattage. It’s a lot of light adjustments multiple times a week… for thing heading to flower at least…

For mother plants I keep the t5 stationary at 2ft above the plant and trim when needed :yum:

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Well that’s my point… uptake is not even close to enough for the temps suggested in veg… unless 85 f or higher… it’s been a death sentence… humidity rises nice as long as uptake is happening… but I’m lost as to why… why does it seem to never keep up… maybe it’s something else? That’s what I’m doing with another gavita user… lining all that shit out… same thing happens at 40 percent light… just slower… tops get lighter plants get over all yellowed… then eat bottom leaves… then start getting crispy… and that’s not ok if it isn’t bacon! Lol

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Pot size vs amount of food vs frequency of watering…

Look at coco guys, they grow trees out of 1 or 2 gallon pots. What makes it work is multiple feedings a day, keeping air/water ratio optimized, a constant balanced diet, and no dry pockets/crust.

I treat my peat based medium a bit like coco… small pots, a feed a day of lower ppm, very little runoff

I don’t even use meters

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It’s got to be that… the frequency…strength … and pot size… I wonder if just going lower will fix the issue… ugh… thanks! @Mithridate

I use 400 hps in 2 54" x54" with a 440 cfm on a split and it feeds 8000 flower no problem.
Still don’t see A upside to going with led and producing less of a lower quality product.
You see a loss of around 5% to 10% A year with led lights according to a par meter.
I replace the capacitors every couple years for $20 A pop on hps.
Rabble rabble rabble!

Before you overspeak… @arb go check out just 1 grow from Sshz on any forum … particularly the orangegasm thread on thcfarmer… 2.4 gpw I think :thinking: it’s up there… he says the difference is insane… led produces more bro… bigger yield… add uvb… outta there!!! Rabble rabble rabble lol :laughing: he moved from over 20 yrs using hps to led… hasnt went back…

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You’ve done this test on a gavita pro 1700e? @arb

Besides… if you scroll up… this thread isn’t for light choice and this is all off topic… but if it were… led would win lol it’s quality was actually higher under the leds… do the researh my friend… and I hope you don’t think im being snide… I’m a humble guy… im not here to argue with anyone… I’m here to learn and help learn also… but mostly learn because I’m pretty new… it’ll be a while before I’m coaching… but I’ve done quite a bit of widespread research on the lights

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Also… the real test isn’t from grower to grower … the real test would be same grower …nutes … style… plants… space… etc… and that’s exactly what sshz did do . Pretty good info on those threads he’s made… I just refer to him because he is using the exact same light… I have uvb for later… and a cannatrol for curing… so I’m pretty sure my end result will be pretty decent… it’s all about quality to me… fuck the yield … I’m smoking it … not selling it to a million people… but if I were… I’d still care about the integrity of what I produce in the same manner… which is 1 reason I don’t lol… it wouldn’t likely have the proper roi for the effort I truly will put in

That’s because it’s not like this at all.


Research says…:hugs:

Good luck and have fun.

I didn’t say research says lol… I proved actual tests… I’d love to see any definitive proof you think you have @arb