What does everyone think about high light intensity just after germination?

It’s like they are stuck in the 80’s bro lmao :rofl:

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You’re right those decades of doing it have me all confused.
I bow out to your knowledge and hope to someday achieve success.

I never said you weren’t successful… but success is measured by the individual…I never claimed to have knowledge beyond anyone else’s… just going off of proof… you’re going off of others statements lol… I just don’t know what to say to you at this point… except clearly you’re trolling and need to try to act more mature… I’m by no means trying to upstage anyone… as if I could anyway… I’m too new for that trash anyway… you like to compete it seems… go have a dick measuring contest somewhere else yeah ? @arb ?

Until you have some definitive proof… you’re just a noisemaker like a barking dog… no point… just making noise…

Yeah decades of doing something that’s moving to an obsolete way… people used to play drums without a second bass drum… before the Beatles distortion on guitar was unknown… I imagine people like you were on the sidelines snickering and making fun of them while they put slices in their speakers…or stacking that second bass drum on the kit… just before they changed rock and roll forever…
Don’t get me wrong… I’m not attacking hps users… I’m just saying… since everyone wants to disregard the topic… let’s talk about it… anyone… who grew w hps . That now grows w led… high end led … doesn’t typically go back to hps… and there’s reason for it… can I grow better than you? I doubt it! Lol … I’m not competing or trying to make anyone feel like their choice is bad… I’m trying to get facts … not broscience or opinions… as far as I see… it looks like vs a 1000 hps the gavita is the clear winner … this has been proven already in grow logs… so… again… not trying to be Mr know it all… more Mr let’s get the facts for real…

:thinking: Are you sure? Less of a lower quality product equals more of a higher quality product :joy::v:


Lmfao!!! I love your brain!!! Hahahaha that truly made me laugh outloud!!! @herojuana.tom

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We must also take the wild nature in which it all evolved into account, sprouts and seedlings always get more shade from surrounding plants.

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But here’s the thing… this guy using a gavita like I have starts at 100 percent power … that’s a shit load of ppfd on a seedling… that’s at 42 inches away slowly moving to 36 @Rogue

I never move my light and it’s on perpetual 12/12, it all sorts itself out once you stop giving a fuck. :smile:

All you gotta do is watch how they react and make changes accordingly (make only one change per day, otherwise you don’t know exactly what made it better or worse), no one else can tell you.

I have sprouts and flowering plants in the same pot, and it all just keeps on growing.
Now and then a stunted one, but that happens even in perfect light conditions.


I truly believe that is solid advice… because I had several plants hurting… and I fed sort-of high 1 time and didn’t look at em for over a week… they now look pretty good lol… also I’m starting to thing watering is causing some of my issues… as in too much watering … causing things to get all messed up… I’m now waiting no matter what until top 2 inches are dry… I had to flush plants before and it just makes em so pissed off… the struggle for me is moving from 1 light (t5) to another (gavita pro 1700e) the feed actually needs to be lower … by like 100 ppm at least… for this transition it seems… because they drink faster under gavita than t5… @Rogue

You’re using synthetic fertilizers?
That never made sense to me. :smile:
I’m all organic so can’t help you there.

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Like I said… I’m on it… and it seems to be the case lol… it makes sense…

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Its not that its a myth. Its that the variables make all the difference. And dealing with seedlings while driving a ferrari in light intensity is a challenge to nail without stressing the plants and totally ruining the increase in vegetative growth your trying to accomplish. That said, I’m in.

pics show seedlings germing straight in coir. 350 to 400 par, 2.5ec, 5.9ph.

These showed ca def. Maybe because they were domed and it slowed drying and transpiration for a couple days. While the ones straight in cups with no domes flourished.


No domes and straight into solo cups and 6" pots.


I agree man… I just realized I had calmag too high lol… what is your ppms for calmag? I’m at about 210 220 with ro water… so that’s total… not including veg feed

What light are you using?

No cal mag. I don’t need the N. My base nutrients are pretty high in ca, but I’m experimenting with some ca. On these I used 2g per gallon of cal 106 calcium carbonate. So 212 ppm per gallon. The ca plants all showed more vigor than the plain base nutrient ones. I soak in ca, then follow with base nutrients. Im gonna experiment with some gypsum and ca 106 next per slownickels recommendations. Oh, I also added B at .0012g per gallon.

My lights are medic grow x and y models. 780w of led and 100w of uv/ir. Separate control for blue, red, and uv/ir.

I use cheap led strip lights for my clone and seed racks. Experimenting with some new ones soon.

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Right on… I saw those medic grow lights… they look nice… I like the ir and uv added… I have uvb for flower…

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