What is this in my soil?

Was about to transplant some clones and saw this in my (previously opened) bag of Roots Organics Lush soil. Kinda looks like eggs or spores? Not sure. Any help?


A good soil will have beneficial fungi which is ok and needed

But I really need a clearer picture


Many bugs lay eggs in soil. The better the picture the better we can diagnose.
For instance:
If the eggs are incased on a gelatinous goo then it could be a slug or snail. White oval or round could be a spider.
So get a good pic and describe what you see.


Hope this is better


Looks like fungus to me


That’s what I’m thinking with the better picture. Eggs are more uniform looking and all are exactly alike to the naked eye. But, I would mash it up a little to see. It should come all apart if fungus. Eggs are usually attached to something.


Could be anything.

If it worries you then scoop that part of the soil out and keep it in a seperate bag for observation.


Yea probably some kind of fungus. They dont mash like eggs. It’s pretty dry

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Keep the moisture high in the bag, spray/mist a bit water on the sides of the inside of the bag and see what you get, might be liberty caps or some other edible mushies. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I had death caps grow in one of my first compost bins umpteen years ago. Pretty trippy

@VAhomegrown it doesn’t look like any beneficial Ive seen. So I recommend inoculating your soil woth the good stuff to either eat or competitively exclude whatever that is.


There’s mycorrhizal (helps plants grow) psilocybin mushrooms,
it’s in Paul Stamets’ book Mycelium Running.

I have never used that brand, but a quick search of contents it MAY be potash carbonate.
It looks similar to the Calcium Nitrate, I use from Master Blend Tomato food series.

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I have had the same thing in various bags of roots organics. I was told it’s nothing to worry about. Currently using kings mix royal gold and I have found similar spots. Never seen it in a freshly opened bag so I assumed it started growing from something that entered the open bag from my environment. If you open the bag more and let air get to it, that stuff dies off in my experience. If I fold the top over more grows. Never caused a problem that I know of.

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