What is this problem? (disease, over water due to heavy rain)?

yeah man I’m definitely going to try this out! I appreciate you bro

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My plants are happy with it but the tea smells like rotten eggs so keep it always covered in a fresh and dark place, use a ppm reader to keep in the safe, pleased to help you …

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what will cause the ppm or pH to vary? I do not have a ppm reader I am growing outdoors in the ground…

Sorry di9dn’t read the whole dossier before posting ,. That tea has a great concentration of nutrients, the ppm reader goes crazy if you want to measure it. I just add around 6 ml to 10 liters. Just wanted to warn you to put it in very low quantities. Thought you add the nutes to the tap water but now I see you use organic soil (not my speciality ). I had nutrient burns even with prefertilized soil until and expert suggested me to buy one. Now I can add to the water a cocktail of nutes, kelp, molasses, banana tea and this calcium one without causing any nutrient burn to the plant.

I presume that with organic soil it’s different and I don’t know if it would be useful to buy one n your case, you cannot easily measure or control what’s in your soil and components to add or cut, too complicated for me.

That pH measurer was the best advice and purchase received, now I feel more confident with it and my plants look healthy. Hope you will solve your problems, cheers …

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thanks man great advice! I’m going to look around for a good soil PH meter online

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I hope this beautiful guest who flew on my 3 year old daughters shoulder today when trying to go down her slide she said “daddy a dinosaur bird flew on me!!” lol :joy: to my surprise it was an abnormally large (for my area I guess…) Praying Mantis so we let it be and it has its eye on my plants as of 8PM… its been there since 5PM or so


If I were you I would get some Botanicare calmag plus immediately, … It has calcium, magnesium, and Iron… Give em 1 teaspoon per gallon, and problem solved! Next round, Get some finely granulated Dolomite lime(cal, mag, & Keeps the ph in check) and mix into your soil(1Tablespoon per gallon of soil). You need to get on it before this deficiency wrecks your beautiful garden, and it will. Chop! Chop!!.. Good luck to you Sir :slight_smile:


thank you sir I appreciate your input… and its very valuable to me

I’m not really sure what is going on here now… this is a different plant in a separate area but showing signs that are similar to the last plant that went to complete lockout,…???
I really need to think about building the soil… I thought a 3 year organic soil build (no till) would be efficient enough but apparently not or I messed up baaaad LoL :joy: well either way lesson learned…

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I feel like its eating the fan leaves cell by cell…?