What is your favorite way to add nitrogen and green up your crop in veg?

Some Amino acids work as chelates and they are the key to absortion.
Also Glutamic acid helps a ton with absorbtion.
That has not caught on yet either.

More info on Glutamic acid here…

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amino acids!

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I would like to resurrect this thread by telling you my real life experience. I was a “pot farmer” for many years during the bad old days of the “war on drugs”. Back then we had to hide everything far down in the woods. The more remote, the better. That means packing in all fertilizers and soil. I never carried in anything except the plants or seeds. I would try to locate the patch close to a source of water. Then I would piss in an empty jug and mix it with water. 10 parts water to 1 part urine. Simple, easy and very good for your plants. Dont be stupid! You are not smoking piss when you grow plants like this. Look, Im not trying to hurt anyones feelings but the “Real” world is not a sterile laboratory. Things grow and shit and piss on the ground and die so that all can be broken down for plants to use it and grow. Thats the way it is meant to be. Its not a perversion of natural law. It IS natural law. Please go outside today and walk barefoot on the ground. Get dirty and touch the face of God. :sun_with_face:


I like to take a nice shot of piss when I wake up. Beats a hot cup of coffee.


:laughing: An you grow a giant!


I am pretty tall.


My Standard for years is fish emulsion, nothing better until they tripled the price over the last 8 years. So I just bought a big bag of Chicken Manure. It’s now time to change.


Im gonna try that out as well then.

I like it thanks bro.

Ima mix up some eaa and glumatic acid. Instantly become the best grower ever :sunglasses:.
