What is your nute program

I am using Jacks hydro, Cal-nit, MAP, Potassium Silicate (pretty sure, not around the house for another week or so) and a sulfur salt I can’t remember the exact name of. I use the sulfur during veg and up to week 3 or so of flower, then switch to MAP. Also Seagreen all the way through.

Pretty sure the ratio I have used is 2.5g/gal each of the jacks and cal-nit with 1g/gal of the sulfur or MAP and I think the same of the silicate… can’t check my notes or I would. .5-1 ml of Sea Green/gal

Also have been alternating foliar with Calcium-25 and a mix of OG Biowar Foliar pack mixed with a liquid kelp extract as well.

This has worked well for me, but since the recent runs after switching from HPS to LED it seems my plants want more calcium.

I am going to do more research and try to optimize everything for more optimal ratios after I am home.

@Meesh I have never used Sea Magic but I have been using Primordial Solutions Sea Green which I think could be a pretty similar product.

Have always felt like it has worked well. Isn’t cheap but at .5-1 ml per gallon you don’t go through it as fast as some things.


I used that on my container cbd grow last year after megacrop caused a deficiency in flower. It was in soil so I never tested the ph… also my water comes out of the tap at 5.2 super acidic. I had zero lockout or ph problems with it. If you are in soil, it probably won’t matter. I was surprised how good that cheap shit worked. My Charlotte’s Angel buds were freakin massive!


I’m in coco. I read a ton of good reviews about it similar to yours, I kinda wish I had remained blissfully ignorant and never checked it because I’m sure it would probably be fine but now that I know I just can’t in good conscience feed my plants solution at that level.

Maybe the super low pH is part of its secret??


I am a total tard when it comes to coco. Can you ph up it and try? It will either work in there or it won’t right? lol All I really know is it works in organic soil. Best I got. :grin:


Ya that’s what I’ve been doing. It takes like 1/2 a bottle of pH up to get it in range, but will see how she goes!


Damn! Would it kill the plants instantly in coco if you tried it as is with low ph just for shits and giggles? Maybe the plant changes it?

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I’m too scared to try lol.

Also for bonus points when I first mixed this stuff up at the recommended strength it came out to like 2500ppm


Coco Bro! That shit is fancy and finicky, but damn if the plants don’t come out nice if you have the patience to dial it in

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I think I used like a Tbsp per gallon
and that’s cray cray… shouldn’t burn them though…

I know…saw it…1/2 bottle of PH gonna RUIN ANY MEDIA…BAD SHIT, not touched it in years

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Not suggesting anyone try this.
Just something I was fiddling with.

Using MC as the base, adjusted to kinda match Jacks 321 elements/ratios.

MC numbers were from their website calculator. Several months ago.

Keeping the MC base as high as possible, to keep the micro nutrient levels up.


Been using GH Maxi series in dtw coco. 1 teaspoon per gallon. It’s funny I haven’t had to add a drop of cal/mag or epsom or anything since @Jetdro helped me get NER #'s straight. Also have not had a need to go over 550 ppm in veg or flower. I see a spot or two of a slight cal deficiency but, it’s so few and far between its not even an issue. Only problem is the plants are so big in the flower tent that one of my main colas is getting light bleached no matter how much I tried to bend her out of the way. Good problem to have lol!


Try plant magic is uk blend? Not sure if available there though. @Sunvalley has a system of organic and quizzed me on a market here.
In this climate it’s about results we pay more for less aborts.
Our culture is very similar to what happened in Netherlands space becomes more revelant, revolutionaries find it harder to convey there massage as we need funding otherwise we just fade away


I’ll check it out, thanks!


I use Grow More / Sea Grow 16-16-16 is my favorite .