What Makes yours "The Best"?

I wish that was how it went. Not root rot, not wild ph fluctuations, just fast growth. Thats how the hempies are, I water every 3 days with them.

Coconut water also. But is growth boost for the top of plant.
Willow water.(close to being free. )

    "There are two substances found in the willow tree that enhance root growth, Salicylic acid and Indolebutyric acid"

SomeKind like a steriod.
When i make compost tea’s. I load the bucket with willow. After that I add coconut water…after that…

Natural sugars…(not table top sugar( processed))…

Think plant as a doughnut, and your the chef…
What Makes doughnut sweet and sticky?
I give mine lot of sugar.
Blackstrap Molasses
Raw Honey
Fruits in the compost.
I know what would happen to me if I just hung out and ate doughnut all day .

Still to share

It took a year or two to “dail” in. It took some money to turn that dail. But when I found combination for lock. Rockets, in flight.
Find a nutrient that doesn’t need ph adjust
Keep ph at 6.0 - 6.5
Keep temperatures low 65° - 70°
The smaller the bubbles are better, and more bubbles better. Forced induction.


Is a larger reservoir easier?

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you mean bucket? .i use 5 gallon bucket. .I dont add water as much as a smaller bucket. To big of bucket would just be waste

Because I grew it, and I’m the best grower ever.


What Makes you best?

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Don’t we all think we’re the best, lol?


I Know I’m the best.

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But somebody taught me . the best taught me. Of course I fix what they dont know. Makes me best

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Nah, I’m pretty good. But there’s always someone better.

I don’t have any chemical pesticides or plant growth hormones in my grow. Im learning hempies, but my soil is 95% organically grown.


It was just a joke. I’m no expert by far, and also grow organic.

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I know. I was teasing.

I had a good friend growing up who had great advice, “no matter how good you are, someone can pay 10 smarter people to do better than you.”


So true.
I’m pretty good at it. But I look to improve always. What post is about.i tried many things. Like some. Don’t like others. If plant gets better, I keep. Bat guano. I tried, liked and use.

Willow water. All natural. No manmade chemicals…bubble the leaves and green stems all day for bigger healthier roots. Which leads to bigger healthier plant. Why would you no use them?. Let’s say plant is growing wild. Next to willow tree. You would say no?

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Well, I have 2 60 foot tall willows in my backyard…

You are ready to improve then. Take only green fresh growth. Cut to 4-6 " long. Put bucket full of cutting, and water and bubler. 24 hrs. You just made a plant steriod. Coconut water is good to go from grocery store.no bubbling. Just add to willow water. You now made two steroids for plants.
Coconut water is very beneficial for us people. Trace Minerals , electrolytes. Sugars. It has everything your nutrient doesn’t.


I’ve been preaching coconut water for years. Its like liquid trichromes IMO. I also have comfrey


What does comfrey do? I know I heard it. Never got to it. Should i ?

Its an accumulater, so it concentrate trace minerals. Let it compost in a bucket of water for about a month. Its supposed to smell horrid, but be amazing for plants.

I’ve also been playing with SST’s. I like adding a handful of malted rye to a gallon of water and letting it soak overnight, then using that in my veg water. Really gives them a spring, especially when to small for roots still.


Oh k.
" Comfrey roots and leaves contain allantoin, a substance that helps new skin cells grow, along with other substances that reduce inflammation and keep skin healthy. Comfrey ointments have been used to heal bruises as well as pulled muscles and ligaments, fractures, sprains, strains, and osteoarthritis. "
what I think I remembered about comfrey.home remedie


@GMan @PurplJack
Willows are unusually high in auxins, so the willow water tells your plants there’s plenty of O2, to support a bunch of new root growth.

Coconut water is high in cytokinins, same as a lot of different kelps. It tells the plant there’s plenty of resources to sustain a whole bunch of new branches.

@anon93244739 A lot of the hormones in SSTs degrade while kiln drying the grains. You might see a boost in its effectiveness by germinating the same grains yourself and blending them up fresh.