What Makes yours "The Best"?

There’s been reports too of dispensaries tumbling or dry sifting the buds before placing on market.


Genetics, post grow technique, and the fact that retailers will consistently pay top dollar.

@Syn Tumbling or sifting products is rampant at retailers. If you check most any retail outlet with your loupe… lots of trichs damaged or missing.

“Seek not to be better than someone else. Seek only to be better than thy former self.”

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I microscoped some bud that my wife got from 5 stores in my area, and every one of them had surface busted trichomes. Either they are tumbling it, or they are being rough with the buds during trimming.

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I would Pepsi challenge my work over any over the counter smoke. I don’t worry about a bottom line.


Yeah i thought it looked like they did that. They got these huge operations n squeeze every penny out of it.


Grow your own!

Mines not. Don’t get me wrong it’s excellent, and better than most of the street bud in my area it definitely burns cleaner than most too. but sometimes you get a bag and it’s just killer. I’ve got a ways to go before I can lay any such claims.

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The fact that your a member here tells me you’ll be upping your game in no time. Growing really excellent weed consistently is a fairly simple thing. It just takes a bit of practice developing a system that works for you as well as making a few mistakes along the way.

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I can’t remember last time I smoked someone else’s weed.


I always tell people that “you get out of it, what you put into it.” I’m speaking in terms of time and effort.
I take my time and try to be as gentle as possible. I stress as little as possible
I make eve effort to finish my grow without burning my ladies. I have overfeed, which is a no no, and under feed. The under feed may not be the prettiest, but I guarantee it smokes and tastes so much better.
I make sure nothing harmful goes into my ladies. For that reason, I think mine is the best. I know exactly what’s in it.
It’s the little things that you do , that add up to something big.
I set a benchmark that I adhere to:
I like feel the hit instantly.
I want the buzz to last no less than 4 hours.
I want nice terps and taste.
I want it done in .25 g or less.
This pic shows what it took for me to get me right. I expect that every time in my breeding protocol.

This pic is what was left after the misses got hold to it.
You may be saying, that cigar is harmful. Duh! Why do you think I don’t want to have to smoke so much. Peace. Fly High!

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I’ve never been able to smoke blunts without coughing a lung out… its that mix.

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Agreed. I could never smoked blunts. GAVITA UVR


I really need to improve my bud density and dial in my environment more.


Mixed how? No it’s just a broken down bud. To me, the green swisher has a very neutral taste. It’s not harsh at all. Plus the bud is clean. I’m for real about under feeding.


Oh, the tobacco from the wraps not saying you mixed your herb (thats a tasty looking nug BTW), even joints I cough more (I still like them though).

I dont think I’ve tried the greens, I just avoid them ingeneral because I know I cough like a 7th grader again lol

Not saying that your like the Dutch guys I went to college with who mixed about 1/3 :smoking: tobacco into a joint. Those were the worst!

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Thanks for the compliment. Never put the tobacco in there. Yuck! We toss that. After many years trials, this is the one we prefer.
It’s burns clean… or at least tolerable. And burns much better than rolling papers.
I assume You don’t smoke… neither do i, So it matters to me.

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I actually do, I’ve quit so many times and then I somehow start again. I’ve had issues with worse drugs that I quit easier than cigarettes. I mean, you feel stressed and you can get them anywhere in minutes. But I’ve never been able to mix the 2, its so odd when most people seem to have no problem at all.

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Here is a tip. Try to roll compact, but not too tight. I try to make sure that the draw is no harder than a cigarette. It will make a huge difference in taste. And coughing. A bad roll will make good smoke seem like crap.
I prefer my bud more like this. The one in the previous pic was reeking so badly, so I jumped the gun some. The terps remind me of peppermint schnapps. It spicy too. I couldn’t wait to try it.


Peppermint schnapps? Yes please. What strain is it?

I know in person. You would bring fire :fire:.
But other than yous guys here. I haven’t ran across any better than mine. Two I know I will smoke with them. Their weed. Or yeah. Only my weed, put yours up