What Nutrients Do You Prefer?

Hello @mongbae. I do have access to Yara. I mostly use Haifa because I love their Cal-Prime. I absolutely in no way think your coming off as a know it all. Just a super smart dude who really knows his craft. My kind of people! I’ll lower my micros to your recommendation on my next batch and we’ll see how it goes. All your advice is very much appreciated!

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Lovely! I am super glad, you perceived positively hehe

For sure Cal-Prime works well!
and for sure, it’s better to keep your current batch as you originally planned, it’s already awesome!

Possibly, I’ll be ready with the new recipe before your next batch. So I’ll update you about that as well

Cheers :slight_smile:

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Been loving the canna line

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for hydro I use flora nova grow/bloom for n/p and to adjust the ph (meaning I pour in flora nova and it sets it to ph7 with their ph buffer stuff), and I just pour in random nutes I have I bought from amazon into my rez, I can eyeball a good 15mlx16gal/22gal. I think I have stuff like flora blend pro, bud candy, big, bud, etc

for soil I top dress with myco+, guano, and meals, haven’t had that much of a problem. learned that weed plants will grow out of most damage organically.

that myco stuff has like crack in it or something, I get jurassic veg plants in it and they get huge in bloom

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