What plant is this plant?

Was given this clone by a friend. Says it’s a type of OG Kush. (That narrows it down a bit lol!)

Leaves are kind of fat. Says it’s stems want to turn purple no matter how much feed he throws at it.

No pictures of flowers yet, but the stem rub is definitely kushy, piney.

I know it’s not much to work with, but some of you can spot a strain from 50 paces lol!


Very hard to tell from clone that size, but @Heritagefarms would prob have a decent idea.


Thanks. Yeah I’m hoping HF chimes in when he gets a chance. He’s a wealth of knowledge on all things cannabis, especially anything OG Kush. Who knows if this is even slightly related lol! :dizzy_face:


Well, if the ratio is similar as with ‘puppies and paw sizes’…
You are in trouble :laughing: :+1:



It’s Cannabis.


It looks like a plant.

Pretty sure @Heritagefarms can confirm my answer


Its realy hard to say at this point because there are so many og varieties that look similar to that. Alot of the girl scout and cake strains will look like og in veg but so will alot of other strains. If I knew that was a og for sure I would guess it’s closer to the ghost or sfv side of the family due to the size of the fans. Plants can look different in other people’s gardens also and several cuts go around as sfv. Could be a skywalker but again need to see it in flower to see the color if the fade etc. it’s really hard to identify the ghost from a picture but when it gets further in to flower there are a few things that may stand out. Best thing would be to ask your buddy we’re it came from and see if there is more Info available.
I can say that the sfv has a distinct trait where the middle finger is slightly shorter then normal on occasion, not every fan but alot of them. I have some sfv ibl seeds going atm and they have carried on this trait as well. The ghost does not do this and is also a more upright narrow plant that wants to tip over due to a realy fine root system. It’s roots are very small compared to other strains. The sfv has a better root system and will not topple over but rather grows very weak sphagetti noodle side branches that flop around in all random directions. The Skywalker norm starts out with thinner fingers then that. The what og is this question can be very hard to answer even for some of those who have had it the longest. There is one in two that have much thinner fans and a totally different structure that I can say that isent for sure but there a thousends more that it could easily pass for.
The irony is if it turns out to be fire it will bother you even more. The curse of og , I swear you get one cut and others start to invade lol pretty soon your telling your self i can’t possibly need all these diff og plants but it’s very hard to pick a least favorite , they all perform different at different times and sometimes last times least impressive becomes second best or at least out does one that did better before. It took me a year to kill one mystery og because it was so similar to my sfv and grew better in veg. I grew them side by side outside and inside before accepting that mine is stronger and has better terps despite growing a little slower in veg and having thinner stems.
Best chance is doing some detective work but it often leads back to some guy gave some guy a plant called og and didn’t care as much as we do to keep track of exactly who’s and from where.
@anon5325009 definitely looks like a plant.


Thanks @Heritagefarms. I’m afraid it’s that rabbit hole we all know so well. You hit the nail on the head. My buddy got it from one of his buddies, who said it’s a killer OG Kush, and that was that. I guess I’m just going to have to wait till I can flower her out, which won’t be for at least another 2 months. Thanks again. :+1:

Yeah and if it’s the ghost it can come out rather bland if you don’t keep her really happy. She takes a full 9 weeks so need to adjust feed schedule esp if you flush. Burns easy and doesn’t like to be watered as much as other strains if grown in soil. Hydro is your best friend when growing og because of the ability to controll the nutrient mix so we’ll. Has me about ready to go back to hydro and stop being lazy lol The ghost is the most finicky one I’ve grown but most of the og kush varieties can come out vastly different depending on how there grown. The terps change alot between outdoor and indoor and cooler temps are definitely a benefit.
I have some pictures posted on my thread of some various of phenos but am always happy to look at more.
Can’t really ever confirm something 100% with out growing them side by side unless somebody else’s happens to come out identical but with og almost every grow room makes her come out different. Now if you have two controlled rooms near the same elevation , same temps, nutrients, schedules etc you would see the same if not very similar looking flower. It’s definitely the most easily affected plant I’ve grown.

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I am a frequent visitor to your thread. I knew there were a lot of OG cuts but, holy shit! My buddy said this particular clones stems want to purple no matter how much feed he gives it. I think I remember you saying the SFV OG does that? I’ve had the SFV from a few friends and the dispo, but it always tastes different, so I wouldn’t even know what to look for when she’s done. I’m in coco by the way. Hand water twice a day, every… frickin…day… Lol! :sob:

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Yeah the stems on both the ghost and sfv and several others tend to go red with low temps and old age regardless of nutrients. There is really no one trait that will single any of the others out from the rest. In the very early days it was possible because there were so few cuts but at this point with so many people breeding I see plants that look like og and are from completely different lines. Pretty much unless you got it from a reliable source who knows the history it would be very hard to ever know for sure. Even with phylos doing testing they capture such a small percentage of the plants actual genome they could get different results from the same plant.

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Wow! That’s crazy. Different results from the same plant. My buddy just told me the guy he got the clones from also has a male OG from the same batch. Is that even possible? I thought the OG’s were all clone only?

110% clone only , there are people like Humboldt seeds who sell regulars I’m guessing he is growing them from seed and keeping desirable phenos. The clones came from Florida long ago and males were not kept , nobody that I know if from the original crew claims to have any seeds from that accidental pollination so it’s just not possible. Then again people have claimed to find a male from a s1 seed ( ogers) and that does happen with about a 1/10’000 chance but science can’t even explain why. It’s 90% likely that male is from somebodies og kush beans sold as regulars with out disclosing the out cross. Starts to make the credibility deminish when og comes from somebody claiming to have regular beans or male plants.
People have no shame I see tons of plants named this or that og and don’t even have og kush in the lineage.
The og got so popular people started slapping it on any random strain because it made the value instantly go up. This is still going on and really bothers me. If I see a breeder doing that they pretty much lose all credibility with me instantly.
If there willing to deceive for profits or clout with such a known line I really have a hard time trusting or respecting what they do.


Totally agree with you. I see, and have seen OG attached to everything. I see it all the time in my local dispos. I told my friend I was pretty sure all the OG’s were clone only, so his buddies male either was a cross of something, or not an OG at all. He hasn’t said anything to him yet, so I’m expecting getting called a few choice words here soon lol!

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So there are two origin stories for og kush. The widely accepted and documented fact that in came from Florida threw Josh and matt and is the sister if the triangle and the white.
Then there is another story about it being a chem one s1 found in Tahoe that was then bred to some paki lemon Thai in Los Angelas.
Even if the second was true which everybody involved with the strain agrees it’s not those original beans would be long gone. It’s pretty hard to say anything different then the Florida story when several people involved in the scene have always known Josh and the la crews close to him to be the source of og kush. Dude can say what he wants but its just the facts of the matter.
Some people don’t understand genetics and will get a seed out of a bud and assume it’s a pure version of the plant when it’s actually pollen from a rogue male or some intential cross, then when said seed is male they start breeding with it assuming it’s pure. Or they bought a seed pack from somebody else just cashing in on somebodies lack of history.
Makes you wonder , I have mk ultra seeds which Adams claims are regulars and that they are g13 crossed to og kush. I’d like to ask him how he got regular beans from two clone only strains with out some type of genetic modification or hermaprhoditic traits. Somebody wanna call in to the Adam Dunn show and ask what’s up with the mk ultra genetics.
I have heard of ways to breed two hermaprhodite plants together and get regular seeds due to the way the genes pair up and cancel each other out. This would take alot of space though and time but Adam was working with and around some people with that type of knowledge and breeding research going on.
I really like the strain and have been thinking of growing them out but the whole regulars from two clone only varieties has always made me wonder what kinda lies or mad scientist #/+** is really going on.
I was once told it is Platinum master kush crossed to Platinum og and tat seems alot more possible.

Edit - I’m being told the g13 Adam used was regulars he got from Barney’s farm and to ask Barney’s farm how they produced those, are they even around anymore ?
I’m pretty sure they only ever sold a g13/haze cross which would make mk ultra
og kush x g13haze , this is plausible because many of people bred with that and listed it as just g13.


That’s funny, I was just listening to the Adam Dunn show on You tube. I thought I remembered seeing Mk ultra for sale back in the late 90’s -2000’s when High Times started advertising seeds again? I could be wrong. Yeah I know the Liberty Haze I grew from Barney’s, used a g13/Haze male. I think you must be psychic, because it turns out my friends, friend said he found a few seeds in a bag of some supposed OG he scored, and popped the beans. I guess it actually being a real deal OG is becoming less likely. :sob:

Or it’s a s1 because og loves to throw little microscopic nanners but his male would either be a hermi or a cross. Only way to know is to flower it out and see what she does.
If it was club weed a male is less likely but if it’s from random weed guy it’s really hard to say.

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I’m not in a legal state, so I gotta assume it’s street weed. Only thing I thought of was asking my boy to try and grab some finished flower, and give it the old sniff, taste test. I know that’s not gonna tell me if it’s pure, but it’s bugging the shit out of me to know if it’s anything possibly OG.

I wish I could flower her out now, but I’m only working with a 4 × 3 area, and just stick the last of my Agent K’s in there. I also wanted to grow her out and take cuttings just in case.