What should I do with this Hermi?

So I grew a few plants and now I noticed I have a hermaphrodite. What should I do ? Keep it or toss it ?


Honestly I’d say refresh the genetics … do something different… You can flower them sure… But gonna have alot more seeds than smokeable flower


But won’t it affect my other plants ?


If you get it out before the pollen sacs open and start dropping pollen not at all

Thought it was just the one plant or they all were herms… But no… If handled now, won’t be a problem to the rest


Someone on here said breed a male to the right hermie and it might make a super male.I’d like to try it to see what happens.Last time I saw a herm was from bag seed from a bag of schwag this dude tossed in the spot he dumped all his half kicked beers next to his house.I heard Haze likes to throw out alot of herms.


Only problem with that is the only “right” Hermie, is a dead one … Any breeding with herm genes… And I’m not talking the long running sativa shoots 1 pollen sac in 14 weeks cuz it’s trying to preserve itself… I’m talking, you planted it and we’re unsure from the start and then it had pistils but now has balls sort of stuff…

You don’t want what you breed tarnished with herm genes… Noone wants to grow something that gives you brick weed seedy stuff… Just get rid…


When would be the right time to cut the pollen sacs ? As they appear?

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Cut the whole plant, not just the sacs… Gonna have to call that one a loss


I’m crying inside.

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It happens to all of us sometimes… But it’s honestly not worth it to keep it, I promise you…

It sucks but we got you! I’m only telling you this cuz I’ve tried the “grow a herm” approach before … ended up with alot of birdseed lol


Thanks for your input. Ill toss it or give it away.

Lol no … toss it

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Lol. Fine. Out she goes. Or he ? It!
Out IT goes.


Why do people grow haze then?

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Lol I can promise you it’s not for their herm genetics haha

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I don’t t get it. Why is it related?

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The goal of breeding is to breed stable genetics… Herms are not stable genetics… Like you go-to-work-with-two-female-plants-and-fart-in-the-bathroom-30 miles-away-and-your-plants-herm kind of unstable…

True stable male and female genetics bred and inbred for that stability…

Not one breeder or self-respecting grower approves of breeding herms and any that do are scam artist taking the money of uneducated bubble gummers…


I get it. I meant why did the other guy ask about why people grow Haze for hermis.

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No idea but my above statement stands… Noone on this site will tell you to keep nor breed a herm


Yeah seriously shouldn’t even be a question. Cull it.

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