What size of cone, do the coneheads favor?

Simply why and for what reason do you prefer the size you buy. I buy 100 packs of king size raw cones. They help me smoke js without rolling. Arthritis is real… I smoke these because 1 or 2 I’ll get a buzz off of them. Also always seem to be a wake and bake kind of person. Coffee and weed= breakfast for this champion.


Can’t get into cones they always seem to run I’d first look into one of those j rollers machines vs cones


1 1/4 for me


Ya we had the king size of those after about 3k of those we found we preferred pack cones. We never have the running or coneoing, when we get them full we wiggled them packed tight from the top of the cone. Works great!.


I have seen people using dog walker size. They seem neat for taste testers. But a full size or 3 are perfect for a walk ime.

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I have standard 1 1/4 size cones that work just fine. They can get the occasional run. I’ve tried Raw brand and Elements and can’t seem to tell which is better for the premade empty cones. Normally when I have a joint I roll it on 1 1/4 Elements papers, no filter/crutch added. But that’s kinda rare when I do roll one.

Most of the time I use a dry herb vaporizer. I use far less weed this way. Vaporizing a bowl with 0.5g gets me blasted compared to smoking a 1.5–2g joint. That said, enjoying a nice slow joint is still a pleasure every time I do it. :sunglasses:


raw lean cones. I’m not a fan of the big ole cherry and all the side smoke from regular size cones.


Haha, this topic really resonates with me. :slight_smile: I’ve been dealing with this for a while. I’m still searching, I think.

I typically would use a little ceramic pipe and screen. I had a Monkeypipe for a while, and I dug that but it was hard to clean. I’m only 5-7, so I tend to go for smaller-sized stuff. I once accidentally tossed out a beautiful, hand-painted ceramic pipe that belonged to my GF (the one who turned me onto weed when I was 17).

Then, I began using a “bubbler.” Like a mini bong, about 6 inches high, with a curved inhaling tube that angled up toward the mouth. (I think massive bongs you have to contort yourself to use are sort of dumb.)

Then I got tired of stinky water and cleaning shit all the time, so I got some cones.

Awesomeness in everyway. I could go for walks, roll 1/2 sizes, etc.

BUT. . .the ash mess. :frowning:

I write at a keyboard all day. Window with exhaust fan on my right, ashtray on my left. The act of smoking leaves ash all over desk, keyboard, everything. Sometimes on me. I am constantly sweeping it up. I may need to flip my desk around, so fan and ashtray are on my left (I smoke with my left hand, use mouse with my right).

I love the joints/cones, but the ash mess kills me and it seems a little wasteful of weed. Lately, I’ve been going back to the pipe.

In terms of intensity, the method I’ve NOT been using for a while always seems best. lol Maybe it’s just psychological, but now that I’m back to the pipe, my brain is saying, “Why did you ever move to joints?”

Sometimes it seems like changing up HOW I consume weed can be sort of like a tolerance break? Like, the pipe feels more potent to me now, because I haven’t been using it. Eventually, the joint or the bubbler will feel more effective.

And it’s like LOCATION matters, too. I’ve noticed lately that the average herb I’m smoking lately is a lot better if I smoke the joint in a new location. Is that insane? lol Like, same location, same time, etc., gets very old. Take the joint down to the back porch, or on evening walk, and it’s WAY stonier.


These are the exact ones we use. They work well and are cheap cheap.


Same here. I usually stick to one method, but seem to cough a lot less when I actually do switch it up.

I 100% know there is a location tolerance. You get comfy where you get high all the time so you don’t seem as high. But if you got high somewhere new, you’ll feel higher.

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The bigger ones



I like the littlest ones I can find honestly. Would much rather smoke fresh jaybirds than return to an old stinker.

99.9% of the time I’m runnin the volcano at home but have a cone or a king palm on the go.

Dispensarys selling 1g and sometimes 2g prerolls is asinine - little 5pack of .5s is what the people want. At least what I want when I’m outra state and poppin in for on the go relief.


Someone on here recently trying posted a pic of mini cones… like half a gram or something small like that… let me use search

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How aboot these mini RAW’s?


Those look sweet

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These are funny as heck to me. Puff maybe puff. Put out. No pass


I think the next size up are called dog walkers. For those ones tho you better have a little dog!


I know people who light a cigarette, take 2 drags, then put it out… these are perfect for them :joy:


No kidding I know people like that as well :rofl:

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TBH, only the green hit tastes good… I don’t know how anyone can choke down a whole J or Cig, the taste is usually disgusting :nauseated_face: I’ll stick with my bubbler :sweat_smile:

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