What strains are being grown across different Mexican States?

A bit of a mutant in the third picture.


Oh yes she is slowly working her way back


Alright here’s a small update, these are the beans. Pretty uniform in growth. This small one has the thinnest blades of them all. Thought you’d would like to see that


They are looking great! Are you planning on seeding them?

You know what I wasn’t thinking about it. We’ve had a LONG winter, still not ideal temps for me to put em outside. But I’m hoping in the meantime they’ll show sex, I think I’ll just take cuts off of my favorite one then send out snips if anyone is interested. Maybe seed them and send out free seeds. But that’s a lengthier process


In for a penny, in for a pound. What they’re doing is already illegal as hell; it’s doubtful they care about health codes and purity. I count my blessings that I’m not permanently fucked up from the Paraquat, or whatever the hell else gets put on cannabis.