What strains are gassy?

Nothings better :wink:.

With the right pheno… id put it up against any clone only.

Ive found a few stud males out of the 24 ive popped so far. But one is just a level above the rest. Im excited to start testing these out.

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Thats how my grandpop is. Hes from the aquapaco gold and panama red lambs breath, thai stick times.
Whem i try to explain to him some of the shit im learning or looking for he says the same thing about the names lol

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You know who holds any good stardawg genetics?

I keep hearing about that sour bubble what is your thread called id love to check it out


Did that deathstar cut you have turn out to be the real deal

About to hit the switch to flower on a pack of Bison Breath regs from Greenpoint. (MB15xStardawg) definitely have a meaty funk coming from one of them in the cabinet


Yeah, most of the other Breath strains are flat out nasty rotting meat. I had a meat breath that we called dead squirrel. Nasty lol. Gag you haha.

I think the '91 and her crosses are the most gassy for me. I grew some stardawg that was unreal too. That shit would flat put you in your place and you’d better not have anything to do afterwards lol.

We also used to have a banana Mac a few years back that tasted like JP5 jet fuel smelled. Racy…


Me too. I like a loud, crisp, acrid diesel. Pine tree and rosemary would be awesome too. In fact, my first request of GMO cannabis is to get some rosemary genes. :rofl:


Oh yeah duhh that reminds me

Did anyone say GMO yet? :man_shrugging:t2:. an absolute must-have for any gas head. Garlic.Mushroom.Onion. :ok_hand::heart:


I have two different cuts as of right now. I grew the first one out twice and it reeeeeeeeeeked during flower, but lost a ton of that funk after it was dried and cured. Sledgehammer stone though. This other cut i have is staying much shorter and will defiantly be lower yielding which is what ive always read was associated with the real cut, so we shall see. Its got a few weeks left in flower. Not really putting off much smell right now though. We shall see. Going to run the first cut again in salts next roundn


I’d kill myself if poop and garlic were anywhere near each other in my brain.

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Motorbreath 15 smells like peanut shells in my state dispos. If I was a novice, I would never even consider the breeder again. Just the shit growers. The reason I know nothing about any strain from the past 2 decades. Every grower you meet ends up being one of them dispo idiots.

Which is why good strains don’t get circulated. It’d end up smelling like peanut shells and tennis balls at the dispo.

Its really not a shitty smell but its definitely a sulphur smell im thinking. I suck at describing smells

Good thing that’s not us here! Nor do I think it can be painted so broadly.

If you nothing of what’s been going on for 20 years, do you have memories of gas from when you cared? Anything stand out from memory?

Ghost og, and diesel crosses come to mind for me. Had jet fuel years ago that I can still recall. I’m not a huge gas guy though :man_shrugging:t2: