What think about economy?

Sorry, was lookin’ for a " both hands over my mouth emoji ", but couldn’t find one!?

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It’s gonna be even worse when this famine starts in the next couple years. Shit bout to be bad


I agree. Now is a good time to start getting some bulk supplies to maintain self sufficiency/reduce overall costs


That is smart, but the hoarding is also putting a strain on everything. People, restaurants, businesses, all double, triple, quadruple buying the stuff they need.

IMHO, buy what you need and leave the rest for everyone else.

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Also agree. More thinking like vegetable seeds for gardening to reduce food costs, raising temps in the home to help with electric bill, canning and jarring to reduce food waste, etc.


I’m with you!!!

Seed of all sorts for the coming famine👀


Fixing to stock up on vegetable seeds and fertilizer, that’s about it though.


Probably start saving rain and dehumidifier water too.

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Need a mustang horse for mature and transport…

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Careful with the dehumidifier water, I thought to use it on my plants but apparently it’s considered grey water.


I blame the hydrogen market or lack thereof.

Fuel cells should be in every car.


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Yes rainwater will be key, for when our cord is cut for a month or two . No electricity is going to be a real eye opener.


Target is a prime example of overstocked and selling crap products at an inflated rate. They have recently announced lots of sales because they can’t move any products lol. They even tried to give Vets a discount of 10% like they actually cared about us…

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Half the containers on the entire world contain target bullshit. Such a fucking disaster, well with no competition they can do whatever they want.

The economy is sucky and vulnerable because Sam hates small business. Only homies, lowsers, and tarshit are allowed all the bells and whistles.

No small business=no free market. = communism

Keep your head up and eyes peeled, they are coming for your happiness next.


Relax my little friend


little lmao ^^^^^^

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I think it’s only a matter of time before this thread goes wrong and people start blaming inflation and the economy on one political side or the other, despite it being an inevitable consequence of massive money printing by every central bank in the world and supported by all parties in almost all cases. For example, here’s a chart of the US M1 money supply over the past ~70 years:

United States Money Supply M1.

When the sky was falling and everyone was locked in their houses, everyone wanted unlimited money printing. Now that we’ve realized the sky is still there and are coming outside, we’re looking for someone to blame. :man_shrugging:


Yeah and the only affordable small business there IS is food related, one of the first to go in pandemic/recession


We are trying to keep it civil and have a discussion, or we could go deep on our individual beliefs, and lock it down. Which is what works for some.

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That was civil

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