What think about economy?

Yes, please no blaming on party or another, politicians have been the same since the republic of Rome. Let’s not get lost in the weeds and dirty ourselves with random angry posts.


Hammered us bad. Some nerve. All fired, the da’s are already falling like dominoes. Gonna be a bloodbath, by their own doing.

Nothing a lil sand trap filter can’t solve

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Good thing we’re all immortal :exploding_head:!!! :wink::grin:


It tough on us. Seems no matter who we hire, they got war on their mind, and hate in their heart. Everyone has failed. Except the video gamers, they got it wired. More valuable than the nfl? Holy shit, shudder played them video games allalong

Haha I came a bit too early in life for esports but I missed out for sure.

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True, I will have to check it out, thanks for the tip

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Weed is good.


Well said friend

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I’m lost, someone help me​:eyes::brain:

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Whoever’s idea it was to base society solely on consumerism was seriously short sited.

How many non renewable non recyclable resources have been wasted to come out with a hundred models of new pocket super computers every year? Then these continued development of higher and higher resolution screens with shorter and shorter lifespans. It’s beyond absurd regardless of who ya voted for.


If they would have let people grow their own weed, and do some shine, things might look better, might. We don’t know.

But we do know criminalizing weed did not have too many positive societal impacts.

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ya my 2019 chromebook already says no new updates if you want a new chromebook update buy a newer model. 3 years horse pukky

Keep it from getting hinky y’all…

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Inflation is good because it makes my money worth less and I have too much of it anyway.


my god you only have one foot

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Yeah mate. I’ve got a fair few activist mates. That seem to like a protest/quiet riot :roll_eyes: we need a vote of no confidence on Boris and his Tory cabinet of nonces :100:

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Nicola sturgeon is a massive dickfish too bro :rofl:


exactly what is a dickfish lol


Had to look that one up. Thanks for the vocab lesson🤙

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