What think about economy?

Damn! :confounded:

too late.

It’s fucked. to the fucked power.

So, “WEED”.

There, that’s better.


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What does it say about the flower market that amid all of the price increases, pot keeps getting cheaper?
Say an average lb is 2k on the east coast. What’s that lb gonna go for in 2 years if things go badly? Cheaper?? It makes no sense to me.

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Someone was loudly lamenting the other day that “everything cost more these day”. I had to respond “not everything​:sob::sob::sob::sob:
:rofl: I’ve got no answers but it bums me out for sure. Use to be doing well…


Remember the nonsense of budgets do not matter?
Nuff said.

this is bro lol


That’s an unsightly side effect of UK politics to be seeing this early in the day bro.
Wastemonster chucks rotten eggs at us. We hurl stinky fish back at them.

We don’t like any of them but I’d (narrowly) take our cretins over that lot in NI :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::face_vomiting:


It’s not a sight for any day. Lol. My bad sorry :joy: my birds Irish descent. Sinn Fein bunch of buggers they are :joy::joy::joy:


Prices on ALL homes have gone up a metric shit ton in the past 3 years (aka prior pandemic we were already seeing smaller increases, pandemic made that jump as people wanted out of the cities and into the surrounding suburbs).

Why? Simple… Supply and demand. Nothing more. There are less “boomers” out there than millennials, and while more people were being born in the last 40 years, more houses weren’t being built at a corresponding rate. There simply are more millennials looking for houses than there are houses on the market currently.

I own my house, close proximity to NYC (enough for a commute), and its in a private lake community. In the past 5 years alone my home has gone from $225k(ish) to easily $330k with higher offers likely in the current market (seller’s market for sure at the moment). Currently cleaning out to CASH OUT… High taxes, more space than I need, and snow, its time to sell and move south, buy a house for half as much, never shovel snow again, and pay 1/4 the taxes? SIGN ME UP!

I’ve been watching the local northeast real estate market for timing my sale, original plan was to list for june 1, but looking like it will be Aug 1 listing. Still the market is predicted to keep rising into early 2023. THEN foreclosures will start to increase, and the rich will capitalize while the poor lose their shirts. No foreclosure possibility for me, but time to GTFO of this state once and for all… Especially while the real estate market is favorable to me! (cash offers are common as well, and with a perfectly fine 60yr old septic, mortgage companies want that replaced regardless, and well, some BIG trees have grown in 60 years and theres NO access). Cash offers eliminate that requirement. Another reason to sell now!

On the cost of living goods, ie. food / gas? Supply and demand as well. Do any of you rremember sitting in the lines at gas stations in the 70s? getting gas on odd / even days based on your license plate? That passed… And this too shall pass. Oh it’ll hurt the wallet for sure. I feel it with a 38 gallon fuel tank in my 5.4L gas hog of a truck… And I hear the retail side of stuff from the GF who works at wallymart… That shits honestly a bit scary, and that never really passes, prices rise and never drop…


they are still pissed about that insurection/revolution thing over 250m years ago :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The shittiest house around here is a million dollars. Not a nice one, the shittiest one.

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yeppers my moms house in market value over 1 mil and they aonly paid 35k for it simple 4 br 2 bath absolutly nuthin fancy

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It’s really nice getting cds that pay north of 4%

I really don’t know how our gubs are going to pay interest on 31,000,000,000,000.00 once that becomes a
real thing.

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We’re talking the realtor won’t even open the door to show you. You must buy it sight unseen. It’s crazy.

I’m fortunate I live in a nice condo but I’d really like a basement and a yard.

I don’t want to tell you what the condo costs

They’re not. They will default. And then austerity.

You skipped a few steps there… in between, they print money with which to pay those debts, and then print even more money when they need to pay other debts because the first money printing has caused inflation, and then eventually they ban gold and crypto to force their citizens to keep using their hyperinflating currency. Then they default, and then austerity - or they start a war because austerity is so unpopular and everyone wants someone to blame. Weimar Republic, anyone?


I’m reading a book on labour and what’s most interesting is that workers are unable to unify along racial divides even if it’s in their own collective self interest.

The “evil immigrant” is a pretty good person to blame who has no status to defend themselves.


I believe this is a main reason most things don’t get done. Peeps have a difficult time uniting to a point that positive change can be affected. Too many examples to cite.

The best At uniting are the fringes. The good peeps in the middle just want peace love and happiness. And we had it for a long time.

Unfortunately peace love and happiness are the last things gubby wants us enjoying. Take away pensions, extend retirement age, gubby just askin for a revolution. Not the fake antifucks and their silliness. A real fight for the right to be free.


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Well, this is an aside, but I think all employees should be treated like federal employees, pensions etc.

If you can’t afford to pay a living wage maybe you shouldn’t be in business.

But that’s an extreme view.


Extremely good view IMO