What think about economy?

Also true. The real problem is that anyone who had any influence in any of these decisions is probably over 100 years old by now, so blaming them doesn’t help even if they had any capability of fixing things in the first place. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes but blame is irrelevant. General strikes. Like the women of Iceland.

Real change requires marching in the streets. And maybe blood but I don’t advocate that.

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When casting blame is all we can agree on because every sort of real change hurts some people more than others, it matters… :man_shrugging: :roll_eyes:

Hence class solidarity :+1: some people have so much money giving some up would barely hurt.

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I’d love to be able to write laws that benefit me!
Rewrite tax code to benefit me.

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Emerald green pays zero taxes it has been decreed.

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Yes!!! And I get money from everyone!

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Upper classes have just more guns and ammos to shoot themselves. Solidarity is not a luxury at all, the more you’re high in the social ladder … the less solidarity.

Don’t mix with “common interests”.

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On the contrary. The middle class is the most dangerous class because we can afford a few guns to give to all our friends.

In fact social security was invented because the Germans were afraid of the middle class, as they should have been.


@Emeraldgreen gets .01% from the 1%

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I’ll take it! Gladly

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Here is the answer to your question of why prices are rising. Dollars is circulation. Every new dollar they create steals value from the money in your pocket.


They has been tried over and over and over again in socialist countries and every single time the result is the same. The item that cannot be produced and sold at a lost will not be. In other words what you get are shortages of those things. Price controls do not work.


i would be mor ethan happy to print money for them they wouldnt even have to pay me :grinning: as a matter of fact they could drop everything neexed to run the printer tight her eat my humble abode and i will even pay for the electricity to ru the printer

Coca Cola symbol of free west!

ewww politics. Anyone know why it’s always the least intelligent that are the loudest politically¿

Megaphones I think

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So what’s the word on the next interest rate hike, .25 or .50 a point?.. anyone who says pause gets pistol whipped :slight_smile:


The real answer to price gouging and falsy inflated retail prices is government subsidization. If the government subsidizes my bag of potato chips at $1.69, the price will stay at $1.69…

Now comes into factor actual sales and population numbers…




This would also solve currency circulation issues…:slightly_smiling_face::exploding_head:

PLUS it would/is a huge revenue source for the government! In the modern era with crypto, seems like this would be highly important/valuable for the economy…

This would mean that 90% of products you buy at the store would be government subsidized…

They need a company to do it for them…:slightly_smiling_face:
