Story of my life, and I’m not even a Communist
I’m reading a Marxist history of class struggle in the US as told through strikes and labour unions and the book is very smart. It only mentions Marx twice. It’s too inflammatory and you lose your audience immediately.
“Would you like more take home pay?”
“More control over your own destiny?”
“Shorter hours?”
“Safer working conditions?”
“A pension and a future?”
“Here perhaps you would like to read this pamphlet.”
“Oh you’re one of THOSE!”
It’s not that it’s price fixing; it’s subsidization. The government pays whomever (retailer?) the $1.69 and then the retailer sells it…guaranteeing the price point.
Pulls rabbit from proverbial hat.
“You could see it as equalizing that whole Bitcoin Alibaba thing.”
Free Trade subterfuge at its finest.
Exactly! The inputs aren’t subsidized but the outputs!!!
I read a great book called McMafia where the point was that all markets are regulated and the only truly free ones are the black ones.
It went on to talk about smuggling women in Poland, cigarettes in the Balkans, weed from BC, etc. very interesting book.
It is not that all markets are regulated, it’s that finance markets are the only “free” markets…
Softwood lumber is my favourite. I wish I could import it duty free like free trade says I’m supposed to…
Out of date but still makes a point.
Lol , …that it does!!!
It’s a good time to hold debt. Let’s really see these fiat Money Bucks™ tank and pay it all back for next to nothing.
@Foreigner is the book you’re readin “History of America in 10 Strikes”?
Yes it is.
Nice! that’s a really good one. I read it last year, I think. I tell everyone to read it
I’m almost done and I’ve enjoyed it.
If you like that one maybe you’ll like this one too:
It basically traces the rise and fall of civilizations based on their tax practices.
Omg that was a belly laugh!
I believe the corporate model is privatized profit and subsidies loses