What was your most powerful spiritual/psychedelic experience?

All this talk has me eyeballing the half strip I’ve got in the freezer. Gotta do it when the kiddo is with his mom anyway…:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


That had me rolling :rofl: I picture myself smelling that funky mushroom tea, standing over a steaming cauldron, giving a squeeze of lime(I prefer em to lemon) and MUAH. Perfecto :smile:


D.o.b. absolutely hands down best trip in phikal or thikal !(36 hour peak)


I got some DOM that was sold as L and it was cool but straight fucked up everyone’s stomach who had it. Diarrhea while tripping balls isn’t a whole lot of fun

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Smoking salvia alone in my basement, i took a few large hits and saw an african goddess in the blank screen of my tv. She was looking at me with an expression that i can only call disappointment and that look one gets when they get called to do something for a friend that turms out to be a waste of time.

She then shook her hid and retreates into whatever realm she was in.

It was all very disorphic and disorienting and i swore off the stuff afterwards.

I regret never getting any plants or buying a bag or 2 of 30x extract for my collection. I was very much in the rc drug scene and have a few momentos of stuff i wouldnt use today, but its cool to have


Agree with your points on dosage. I stepped away from all hallucinogens permanently, but if I ever did decide to go to adventure land again, it would need to be a micro dose.


Mrs Foreigner made me get some for medicinal purposes (seriously) but I find micro micro doses to be a bit dull.

But yeah, I don’t really want to trip balls anymore. I just don’t find it enjoyable.


Had a similar experience, ate a handful of shrooms then went to sit at the bar counter with my buddy, ordered an orange juice and the moment I took a sip and swallowed it felt like I sank into the floor where I was sitting. Rollercoaster sensation but way more intense. Walking out that crowded bar there was some mud on the floor that turned into skulls and faces. Then went to a party with some pretty wild breakcore going on and I got emotional.

Another time I ate a good handful of truffels at a concert, after 10 minutes I was already giggling and feeling like my body was liquid. Walking through a crowd was a very interesting endeavor. Saw the band Sleep play and the guitarist had about 8 arms at some point.

Acid made me stare at my dick for a long time, marvelling at the texture of it, while the walls of the toilet were breathing, peeing was nearly impossible. Couldn’t tell the difference between wet and cold. Lightbeams trailing an echo. And randomly told a pretty girl who was leaning against the wall in the back of the venue how beautiful she was in french and then walked away.

My first bong hits at 16 made me laugh uncontrollably to the point where my whole body hurt and I almost thought I was gonna die. Not used to smoking, coughing and laughing until I couldn’t make a sound anymore. Then went to see Mötorhead live for the first time. Feeling the ground tremble, amazing…

Cocaine combined with alcohol made me count everything in sight and talk faster than anyone could comprehend and want to kick in doors and fight, but I snorted almost a whole gram at once… I was 16 and clueless. Was puking for days… Years later I did it again but much smaller amount and talked non-stop and very fast with my friend for 20 minutes or so and then craved more. Then I realized it wasn’t for me at all and walked away.

Salvia made me laugh at everything, felt very strange and uncomfortable for like, what… 10 minutes? And then I felt really really dumb.

On MDMA I told everyone how much I loved them, was nauseaus for days and days… puked green slime a week later. Never mix with alcohol.

Now the most profound one:

Had a mystical experience while meditating after eating a drop of RSO made from Black Afghan hash every day for a few months that’s beyond any words… it wasn’t even an experience… it was beyond experience because it was beyond time. For about 20 minutes I sat motionless, tears bursting forth from my eyes like a waterfall, my beard and T-shirt soaked. Bliss beyond anything I could ever hope to describe with words, a deep knowing, a remembering, unspeakable.
Imagine BEING the entire universe for 20 minutes.

Now every time I eat cannabis, mushrooms or truffels that bliss comes back, but in a milder way. Microdosing is as much as I’m comfortable with anymore. It’s enough and keeps me functional and gets the creative juices flowing, that’s most important to me.

I still have some blotter acid somewhere but it’s harsh on my body, I feel like I need to recover for a whole month after an acid trip so I don’t so it anymore.


Oh yeah I forgot about this stuff. Pretty intense. But less and less intense each time I did it. I ended up getting bored.


I have #6 1g capsules and I have a quarter of melmac and a half Oz of some amazing golden teachers and the almighty is the eighth of penis envy mushrooms and by far the most potent strain of fungus in my opinion and I would be lucky to have them sll for a week in my 20s but I can’t just eat some whenever I want to I’m my Dad’s caregiver and he’s got Alzheimer’s and I have to be on point to get through the day and he was actually the main reason for starting to grow cannabis and he uses a tincture and smokes flower still so I am really rewarded by my growing when I see first hand how much it helps my Dad medically and he was the reason for me using a Phototron…he used to grow in one in the late 80s earlier 90s and unfortunately he’s not able to remember his growing days so OG community is awesome and big shout out to @PhilCuisine and I am excited about utilizing a few tricks during the next grow


Microdoses of psilocybin combined with high dosage Lion’s Mane may halt Alzheimer and repair the damage. Worth giving it a shot.
But it must be accompanied by radically positive mindset.


Wait,Is It possible? @Rogue

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It may be, the first few studies point in that direction.
But again, mindset is key with healing anything.
Gotta reprogram your brain into believing, knowing, cognizing that healing is possible.
It takes a lot of discipline and relentless observation of every thought that enters your awareness and transmuting it into positive affirmations.
Perpetual joy is perhaps the most potent healer of all.


That’s y I got the capsules and they are miocrodoses it’s .8 G’s of psilocybin and they are the exact same ones that the Denver area hospitals were using so they are for him but I just don’t know if he’ll be able to stomach it and I will do more research on lions mane and if you have any links pm me I’d be extremely interested and grateful it’s absolutely the worst disease that I’ve ever had to be around so it’s a big deal when someone reaches out with some information/ feedback and that’s y I decided to put a few beans up for donation and then hopefully I can find a good lineage for critical Mass it’s one of the most beneficial flower strains that help him along with Critical Mass×White Widow and I could get it from dispensaries but never found any beans for the Critical Kush(critical Mass and OG Kush) or just Critical Mass (Afghani indica and Skunk #1)


Good timing, they’re in discount. :slight_smile:


I forgot about all the MDMA too :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: but maybe my most blissful experience (aside from my son being born, I’ve never been higher without taking a substance) was on L. I think I was just standing in the yard in front of my townhouse on a main road and the only way I can think to phrase it is I was shouting in the face of the universe. I don’t think I actually was making any audible sounds as my wife at the time would have heard me if I was shouting from the front room and come to see what was up, which didn’t happen. But in front of me was a colorful and star filled universe with what looked like a giant growing black hole. The force of creation was contained in the black hole and I screamed and shouted every grievance I had in this world until everything became silent and still and something in my head told me, “You got it out, all that is behind you. Now move forward”. I wept tears of joy and bliss, literally having the weight of my world lifted off of me and felt at peace. Which isn’t common for me, I’m pretty restless internally and have only felt fully at peace a few times in my life. If you’ve ever seen the U.S version of the show Shameless it reminds me of when Frank Gallagher walks out onto a long dock on Lake Michigan and screams into creation, “I’m still here! Is that all you’ve got!?”


Highly possible. I’ve heard absolutely incredible stories from people using psilocybin and/or lion’s mane. Both have amazing properties of neurogenesis


Much appreciated bromigo!

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Ofcourse! Wishing you and your dad good times and all the joy and healing needed!


I should read about that,are there studies done on the subject?