What was your most powerful spiritual/psychedelic experience?

Did u do the chlorine gas route or muratic acid?

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Gas is best by far much larger crystal

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Muriatic, vmp naptha, and lye. I wasn’t even aware of a chlorine gas method. This was in like 2010 I’m sure there’s all kinds of cool teks. Tell me more.


After extracting simply acidify solution with chlorine gas until precipitation is complete very easy stuff


Gotta do a defat and wash it up for best results. STB yielded a bit more, but wasn’t as good even after a defeat and a couple washes

No need to monitor ph


Chlorine gas? First I’m hearing. But I’ve been outta the loop awhile. Haven’t extracted anything in at least a few years now

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Best way to end up with hcl , never a molecule of water involved and precipitation will happen automatically when correct pH is achieved


And that L is coming up nicely now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Love the Mandela if u ever see trust me grab

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I had some asshole squirt liquid lsd in my mouth… not sure how many hits it was… bad part was all the shrooms and E I had just ate… we called it 3s company like the TV show… it was fine until the lsd peaked…

Don’t think I have. Had some Owsley recipe for quite awhile that was :fire: best was the actual vial a buddy in the Dead fam supposedly got from somebody that’d been in the freezer a long time and came from Bear himself. On par with those black windowpanes w/ the gold in em but way more visual. Ive got an uncle who can hang that said never again after 1 tab. It was ocular fuckery to say the least


I got puddled down at my first Keller Williams show in like ‘02 maybe? It was String Cheese and Keller opened. Got a puddle in my hand when somebody came in the bathroom offering, no idea how much. But I don’t even remember the SCI set which was who I was there to see cause Keller blew my then very fragile mind. A guy in the parking lot gave me a couple bottles of water cause I musta looked rough and he got the biggest hug and many “I love you bro”s :rofl:

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Do you want her name?

The Mandela or snowflake is made by the apprentice of the psylo master if you know the history that will make sense. By far the best ever created to date breakes some timing fundamentals and much more colorful a full on carpet ride. Some call it snowflake

There’s a Mandela on every square, and poem on back

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I’ll keep my eyes peeled for sure but sounds very similar to the “Bear” vial. Such colorful visuals like I’ve never seen and so smooth and beautiful every step of the way. My standard 200-400 ug was pretty intense with that one. That’s where I ended up “shouting in the face of the universe” in my front yard

Who’s name is that now? :rofl: call me Capt Distracto, the ADD has got ahold of me

Dear lord I’m laughing at patterns in my smoke now. I’ll talk to y’all later. Have fun and have a beautiful night :v::green_heart::bulb:

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Many years ago though. Doubt she still has the moves. Never mind.