What was your most powerful spiritual/psychedelic experience?

All I know about mushies is from Paul Stamets.
He eventually got rid of his stutter after a heroic dose and dedicated his life to growing, studying and teaching about fungi.

He also found out that oyster mushrooms break down diesel and used engine oil.


I also heard of this originally thru Paul Stamets but there is plenty of studies or sources of information nowadays. Here’s a few: https://news.yale.edu/2021/07/05/psychedelic-spurs-growth-neural-connections-lost-depression
Paul Stamets Stack: Microdosing Psilocybin and Lion's Mane


Sex on shrooms. I ate shrooms everyday one summer. I got close and personal with prayer. Because everyday I prayed for it to stop and I wouldn’t ever do them again. Then the next day I was at it again. I was at Piggly Wiggly the pig come down out of the sign.



“I just…what?”

The air started vibrating, everything went cartoony and “digital” like a strong mushroom trip, I started to panic because it was so overwhelming…and then I got pulled into another dimension entirely. Words would not do it justice. You can’t prepare for it. It’s indescribably intense.

IDK if I really even “learned” anything.

I’ve heard of people doing hundreds of hits of acid at once and saying it’s even more intense. Like DMT in a K hole lol.


Best is DMT while peaking on L man, talk about WHOA!! And @Hemp i wasn’t gonna bring that up but good sex on L makes for a very spiritual experience to say the least


Now we are talking. Not that bad. I almost didn’t come back. It was crazy. Peyote was the worst . Evil . Lol I do like paper. MDMA is interesting also on sex.


Plenty of good sex on many substances, too awkward on fungi though :rofl: I’ve given up well into it cause other things was so distracting


Yes down is you private area. Lol

Whelp y’all I couldn’t take the temptation anymore. Ate a tab, so about 200 ug just now. We’ll see where this takes us. Likely just real deep into some tunes and a few doobs. It’d been way too long and the half strip that fell outta my freezer a few weeks back that I’d forgotten about was calling me :grin:


The air vibrating is a very good way to describe the start of it. Then rollercoaster, stomach in the throat thru multicolored, undulating geometric patterns. Til you reach the other side…


It comes on so hard and fast, you get this feeling like “ohhhhh maaaaan I reallly fuuuuucked uppppp” and then it just sucks you in to hyperspace and your human concerns are irrelevant.


Yeah ,not all the Dom “stp” is like that but the weak minded always have short lived bad trips on any kind of a solid dose. Dob is more like mescaline and p2p cooked MDMA combined solid stuff very spiritual carpet ride see gishnu magic

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The first time was totally like that, but then I knew what I was in for. I started with lighter, non-breakthrough doses to get acclimated. Then went full bore when I did it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Wow. Still haven’t tried 5-Meo but I’d kinda like to someday, maybe

People describe the 5meo body load as uncomfortable and the trip more “grey”…IDK…doesn’t sound as attractive when folks talk about it. I’ve had N,N DMT and the “Jungle Spice”. Both more or less the same.

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I knew damn well it wasn’t L the first time I tried a drop. I was almost 2 hours in and thinking “WTF, L kicks in quick. This shit must be bunk” then about 30 mins later or so I knew something was coming on. And the fact that I was still having open eyes visuals at the grocery store 18 hours later confirmed it certainly wasn’t L

18 hours? Sounds kinda like AMT but that wouldn’t fit in a drop.

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Jungle spice is usually DMT with all the added stuff you get with a less than optimal extraction. My first extract was pure white shards, but somebody sent me some they’d done and it was very yellow/orange. Lots of jungle spice in that one. It makes for a slower come up and more up and down thru the experience but it lasts longer. I’ve heard 5-meo described by a bunch of people as way more “white” but more spiritual than NN

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I just want to take this chance to say thanks to everybody for participating, I love hearing about others’ experiences with these things. I don’t talk much about this kind of stuff and when I do people don’t generally get it. So thank you


I tried a straight to base method (garbage). Got an oily residue that had greasy little DMT crystals like sand in a greasy pan. Usable but not good.

A/B did much better but still yellowish small greasy crystal rather than nice white ones. Didn’t do a defat or recrystallization…but I would if I did it again. Iunno, ran out of root bark after that and blasting off doesn’t sound that fun anymore haha.


5me0 always made me sick and I have a iron stomach but I like breakthrough doses