What was your most powerful spiritual/psychedelic experience?

Gotcha. I’ll get that name from you later :rofl:

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I recommend when peaking, that you grab a musical instrument or a pen and paper and set the intent to create all that is profound and hilarious, all that is helpful and makes for a better life experience.


Some of the Mandela go as high as 525 mics(orange and blue/red) purple is close so is light blue

I shoulda been doing that for many years now. Shit I was a journalism major. Document everything. So many world changing insights just lost to the wind😄 it is what it is though


What you experienced was just as real as reality.
Every dream we have is real.
Every thought.
Every emotion.
Every sensation.
It’s all real.

Happening in real time.
The only time in existence.

We are already home.

(This sure is a thread where you can let your hair down.)


Sure as fuck is and thanks for sharing. I appreciate all a y’all. My southern non southern half thru marriage is coming out now apparently🤣 I thought about starting a random kind of all things psychedelics thread but I suppose this could just be it. A place to post music, art, writings, thoughts, whatever you want. I notice my threads have that vibe anyway, they go where they go and I’m cool with that


Thank you for sharing. I want you to have more of those too :v::green_heart::bulb:


Continually outta likes is a problem though


Should we change the thread name to accommodate “all things psychedelic”? Anybody in favor?


That could be a new thread. I like the spiritual aspect.
It often gets lost in more general threads, there may be more spiritual talk.

Let this be a little corner where there is no judgement at all.


Good call :call_me_hand:


is it just me or do the clouds look really cool here tonight? Lots of wind up in the atmosphere…


Good luck to anybody trying to catch up on this thread later🤣


Fred says hell is being in heaven and not realizing it lifetime, after lifetime, after lifetime.

I’d say DMT was my most intense trip and made me have no choice to be spiritual cause it shows you… Idk, the truth? Everyone who smokes deems comes to the same realization that were all the same, every blade of grass and insect and animal and human to every alien version of those things in every universe in every dimension, we’re all one.

But LSD/psilocybin were what grew my conscience and gave me an ego death. Idk what was broken inside of me before I got my hands on those tools but I fixed most of it right up with them.

My mother, who’d never touch psychedelics is a firm believer in them cause she watched me grow through it all. Granted at the beginning a lot of it was just for fun but the more ya do this stuff the more you realize WHY you’re doing this stuff, ya know?

Anywho I’d have to say my favorite night of all time was 5 hits of my acid from my buddy who always had the best stuff and a couple grams of penis envy from him as well that came with a warning of don’t take more than 1.5g of these PE :joy: this was in my psychonaut days and I loved seeing how far I could rip my mind apart. I had my bedroom setup for it, blacklight on and my trippy playlist at the time going, I remember being able to hear every single layer of sounds Avicii put in his song levels which was just magical. I spent the entire night just meditating laying in bed with my music just absorbing and feeling everything, after you get to a certain point everything kinda just starts swirling, and not in the outside world but YOU start swirling from the inside which is a wild concept and feeling but if you give into it and just flow… I’ve never felt such pure bliss and peacefulness before or after that night, it was 8 hours of the best my soul has ever felt, like I could feel all of the energy flowing in my body and think thousands of thoughts all at once, the colors that painted the walls that are normally the black canvas of my mind.


Damn… well said there :+1:


Pure bliss. Bright white light that is somehow made up of every color at the same time. Opalescent. At least that’s what I associate it with


If you asked me right now I may have a different explanation. Maybe it’d be some painting, or my son’s smile and laugh, or maybe a close up of anthocyanin rich capitulate stalk epidermis(I just saw a really cool pic Ed Rosenthal posted on IG😁) or last nights Billy Strings’ performance of Peggy-o. I love that I find that bliss everywhere I look now. With the right set of eyes mind you


But that’s the key to life though, isn’t it? Capturing that bliss in every moment, in everything you do. And then ultimately finding it in death. Cause it has its beauty too. Look at how microbes and fungi recycle everything and make it beneficial again. If you get rid of any preconceived notions. Thanks everyone for allowing me to talk to myself here and just get these things out. Lots of :green_heart:


Gratitude is a magnet for that bliss and pleasant emotions.
It makes everything better and is always appropriate, no matter the situation.
I’ve laid in the gutter, I’ve droven my bicyle into a ditch more than once, drunken and laughing, I’ve crashed my car having a spontaneous Fight Club moment, letting go as much as I could.
And reeling it all back in.


Yes, capture and appreciate I should have said. Cause witnessing it means nothing if it doesn’t actually mean anything to you. Gratitude and :green_heart: right now I’m grateful for comfy blankets, amazing company and good tunes. Oh yeah and fruit juice :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I love fruit btw. One of my other most blissful moments was sitting in a big Hawaiian wicker chair in my buddies basement, fake parrot trees and all with a cold can of pineapple chunks and a 5 week old kitten in my lap the first time I had good MDMA. Ahh the memories, what fun