What was your most powerful spiritual/psychedelic experience?

My craziest trip was DMT! That is one heck of a thing to do. I saw my life energy flowing through each of my fingers circulating my entire body, the whole time I was scared out of my mind, my friend was taking care of me while i was doing my spiritual adventure, he was teleporting across the room. Here then there then here than over there. Saw a lot of shapes and colors. Everything was very clean in the dimension I was in lines were straight as could be. Everything felt like it was a cube I don’t know how to explain it. Felt like 20 minutes but only lasted 5 minutes in real time says my buddy. Definitely a life changing thing for me in a good way.


I used to grow mushrooms with my buddy one day we bought some spores from RedBoy
we grew them
we ate almost 10 gr dry
at the beginning I remember seeing through my hands the blood circulating and the different types of globules after which I had visions of golden flying snakes in the shape of double DNA helixes
one of my best sessions


I had a conversation with 3 of me on a bowl of salvia in my barracks room during my midnight lunch break while I was on staff duty.

Looked in the mirror tripping hard on acid, banged on my chest said me soldier then I was in the army that same month.

Laid in the woods tripping on shrooms late at night and had some kinda translucent catgirl made of numbers hover over me.

Had a mental battle with a demon lord (pretty sure it was just my moms creepy gargoyle statue)

One time I took a fat nitrous balloon while tripping on 3/8ths of dry shrooms and Swtg it was like I was just transported to another dimension, so beautiful I can’t even try to recall it. (Think this was actually during the same trip with the number catgirl)


1978 Only 16 yrs old summer time parents in Florida Disney world for 2 weeks , I have the house to myself and best buddy who was a huge LSD & Acid Blotted & Paper and others,

Him Being a few years older then me and a college drop out he made some shit back in the day…

dallas-twp-drug-bust-1 (2)


I don’t have much experience with these but when I was young I took a hero dose of dxm freebase and was drinking fortified wine and walking with a hoodie on and thought someone was hovering over me from behind so I kept walking. Woke up the next day in a field by the river. Wouldn’t recommend it. My friend who did a lot of psychs when they were young said that one of the 2c drugs 2ci I think gave her 18 hours of visuals and it was 20 years ago and they still see the road shimmering like it just rained when it’s dry.

I am curious about lsd or mdma but I don’t have anyone to do it with or any safe place and it seems like without those two I would be too uncomfortable.


I want to share mine but have to figure out how to write it and the time line. But before my bad trip on mushrooms I didn’t believe in a soul, God/higher power, or afterlife I most definitely do now.


I’ve actually never tried dxm, I never saw any appeal. Too many horror stories from buddies. I spent my money on “real” drugs :joy: the only 2c compound I tried was 2c-b and it was absolutely beautiful. I am the type that thinks many but not all people would benefit from at least trying psychedelics at some point. But you are correct, without proper set and setting it can be a shitshow. Most people have a hard time accepting that difficult psychedelic experiences are actually, a lot of times most beneficial in the long run with good processing and integration afterwards. You gotta feel comfortable enough to be able to let go and go with the flow of the experience. Let the plant or medicinal teacher do the driving. Control is a huge issue for many. I realize anything outside of myself and my own actions is beyond my control and so try really hard to not fight those other things as it’s futile :v::green_heart:


smoking vietnam cannabis.


Approach it with intent.
Consciously invite the most beneficial and benevolent experience possible before you ingest.
Make it something sacred and joyful.
Put on some nature sounds on youtube or something, soothing groovy music, instrumental funk, slow jazz, that kinda stuff, and you can’t really go wrong.

Reading and listening beforehand to spiritual teachers like Eckhart Tolle or Mooji for example will get you in a very healthy mindset.

Gonna make a seperate thread about channeled messages, which is a whole other level of information and put the link here: Channeled Messages


For me it’s all about being outside when I trip. I get antsy whenever I’m stuck inside and much prefer being in nature. Even when tripping really hard I think if you can find a safe secluded meadow or spot far away from where you can hurt yourself that is ideal.


I’ve had an outer body experience with this K that had a picture of a big bull mastiff on it. It was made by a company in Mexico called Tokkyo or something. Holy shit man I actually talked with my dead grandpa that night too. Never forget that. This was quite a long time ago.


You’re born naked and you die naked.

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Hopefully not doing anything embarassing.


Speaking of channeled messages you know about the recreation of the Grateful Dead’s esp experiment they ran at their Capitol Theater run 51 years ago? Billy Strings recreated it last year on the 50th anniversary and just finished up the 2.0 run a couple days ago with interesting results. During the show they would ask all the attendees as well as folks at home to focus on sending a specific picture to a specific person wherever they were at. Pretty damn cool. Collective consciousness is a crazy thing. I experienced it on a whole other level during a trip one time but I’ll leave the details for that other thread

It’s all about planning it right.

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Best spiritual experience I ever had was having an older woman when I was 16 :crazy_face:

:joy::joy::joy: I believe it. But how much older are we talking here? Like qtip topped pale colored raisin or a bit younger? That may change my opinion :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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When I was younger… 20 to be exact… I got in trouble and was the 2st person in the whole state of Illinois to be sentenced to a Christian based rehab… … separation of church and state should have made it impossible… anyway… skipping past a lot of stuff… I went to this place called teen challenge … it no longer exists… state took it over… now no God or Christian stuff allowed… but before when I went we went through the same curriculum as what a pastor would have to go through to become a pastor… it was 15 months long… let’s just say I was very rebellious and even more skeptical… skipping ahead more… about 8 months in I started to finally just try out of sheer boredom… and enveloped myself in everything they said… prayed every day… tried to keep my thoughts pure… would even attempt to not think a cuss word etc… really put my all into it whole heartedly… then after a while I started learning to speak in tongues during prayer… just uttering things that came to mind really … at 1st it seemed stupid… like I was uttering sounds not words at least not words I knew anyway… sounded like middle eastern languages but not the same really . Then other times would sound like almost old world Italian mixed w Middle east… etc… strange seemed silly… anyway we went to church every single week… 1 week a black missionary woman came from Africa area to here to preach the word of God and pray for people… I thought whatever no way its real… people went up and when she touched them they would pass out… so I went up convinced she would NOT make me fall to the floor and I damn well wouldn’t of free will go down because everyone else was… I wanted to see… and low and behold I tried and failed… it felt like the opposite of a powerful magnet… just powered me down to the ground with incredible strength to unconsciousness… I asked afterwards some guys that were there… did she push me down? They said her fingers barely touched your forehead bro… I was astonished!!!. Then later about a month past this… I was in the same church… and in the middle of the pastor talking a guy in the part of the crowd that was not in our group… a regular church goer in that town just someone we didn’t know jumped up and spoke in tongues a huge long speech of language no-one could understand… he was crying crying and visibly emotionally heightened… as he spoke English words started popping in my head that I wasn’t thinking… it started out I am god…etc and went on to say things about himself and his presence in that church… I could feel it in the air… hard to explain… after a huge paragraph of words I did NOT think but were seemingly implanted in my mind was over I was like… what the … what was that? I’ve read that when someone speaks in tongues in church that there is always an interpretation by someone else proving a message from god… so I thought… is that what this is??? Then after a nervous anxious minute went by I thought am I supposed to stand up and say this??? Then I quickly thought… no… na… no I’m not doing that I’m too shy etc
… don’t want to embarrass myself… once I thought that to myself another person stood up and spoke every single word… word for word exactly all that came into my mind… the whole paragraph… now… I would have never believed this had It not happened to me… I can say that it took 100 percent dedication and the kind of desire to be with God like the kind you make sure you do no matter what… like the same effort you would put in for your very very closest friend ever in the world… or your family… that kind of effort… but I assure anyone… try it… and try it how I did… and you’ll be astonished as well I assure you all… I’m not religious… my mom went to church alot… etc… so I’ve seen religious people… they are usually the arrogant fake ones who walk around judging without any right… but if you as an individual can treat God like your very best friend talk to him etc… you’d be surprised at what happens…especially if you keep your heart from negativity and hate. So this is my number 1 and 2 spiritual experiences I’ve had … I have 1 other… but Ive said enough… oh and it was the pentecostal denomination


Thank you for sharing. Much appreciated! :green_heart: