What was your most powerful spiritual/psychedelic experience?

I wish I could make everyone experience this


Everyone will, eventually, if not in this life, then another one.

These kinds of things kan be greatly amplified when you’re with other people.
The months leading up to my experience I went to a lot of dub parties, and by and by that bliss was coming in. I could feel which people were best to stand close to and dance.
Some people just have that vibe and it rubs off!
Consciousness has a way of spreading itself to all who are receptive.


The funny thing about most of that is with the woman in the church i was heading up to disprove… I had intentions to show how fake… and wow… was I surprised to find I was waking up on the floor … I felt electrically charged inside… very very powerful experience!! It was by far the wildest thing I have ever felt… just the endless power on the other end of it… pushing me down like I was an ant… craziness!!! Very awakening!


Makes life a lot more interesting doesn’t it? :smile:


It definitely does… it made me realize there’s many things we do not at all understand or can explain… there’s so much we haven’t accomplished… so much more than what the world seems to focus on… money… power… etc… I feel like we have closed so many doors… the world is getting more and more closed minded and ignorant of the true meaning of life itself… it’s such a shame :disappointed:

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I know this one! It’s 42, right?


We’re in a very intense transition period.
Great and lasting changes take a few generations to take place.
Now we’re confronted very strongly with what we don’t want, which gives us the opportunity to clearly and consciously choose what we do want and to follow what does work for us.
I see all the darkness as fuel for the fire that is getting bigger and bigger and gaining momentum like a tsunami. We all surf it to the best of our ability and even though it is not reflected in the media, it’s all happening and it will all turn around for the better once more people empower themselves and choose benevolence.
It’s going on and growing, no doubt about it.
Be picky about what you choose to give attention, for whatever or whomever you pay attention to you get more of.


I agree man… definitely alot of people in power deceiving millions… distracting… screaming for our undivided attention… lying… attempting to steal our lives away as we know them… pushing for wrongful garbage and perversion… pushing to confuse our children… pushing and pushing

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Be careful what you read because that’s what you become.

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Lol I disagree… I read alot of shit I disagree with like the news… doesn’t make me a killer rapist thief…lol

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Perhaps not but it makes you focus on murderers rapists and thieves than you might otherwise.

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I feel like we need to put focus on that though… otherwise they run wild and free…

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I mean like how tv makes girls want different bodies and unhappy with themselves… etc… or how your neighbors new car makes u hate him out of jealousy type stuff…


See, now you’re again sabotaging yourselves.
If you want all of that to go away then focus on the opposite.
What are you grateful for? Focus on that.
Make a list. Share it. I even made a thread for it and it always lifts my mood reading new posts there. And that’s what it’s all about, lifting our mood.


Agreed up to a point. On top of what said earlier I also think it’s important to read the propaganda of your adversaries.

But perhaps this isn’t the thread for that discussion.

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Collective change always takes some time.
But individual change can be instant.
The more we can take charge of how we feel as individuals, the faster the collective improves, and the faster it will be reflected back at us.


I had a pretty cool spiritual experience. To get to the core of the subject will require some background.
15 years ago my back was extremely bad and there were days I couldn’t get out of bed. One way I helped my body deal with the pain was by eating hash oil or pot brownies. Brownies were made with pot butter that I would make in different batches, each with their own potency, as I always dumped in the weed by eye.
One particular butter making weekend, I made a couple batches and made brownies from each batch.
The first night I ate half a Brownie from batch 1. After an hour with only moderate effect, I knew it was safe to eat the other half. The whole entire brownie was on the strong side but just about perfect for my taste.
The second night I tested batch number two. I was home alone with my two dogs this evening, my wife being out of town. Half a brownie from this batch was on the strong side but just about perfect. The second half wasn’t needed. About twice as strong as batch number one. Since my wife was still out of town, the next night I decided to try the other half of the brownie from batch 2. After 45 minutes or an hour went by, feeling I could handle a bit more and wanting to take advantage while I had the house to myself, I decided to eat another brownie from batch number one, the weaker batch. I realized something was wrong about 45 minutes later. I was way too high. Uncomfortably High. I decided to go upstairs and lay down on the bed. I soon figured out I had eaten from the wrong batch of brownies, getting into batch number two the second time instead of number one. Higher and higher I went until I had a Moment of clarity. I had left the brownies on the table downstairs with the dogs! I stumbled down the stairway and hadn’t even reached the bottom, when I looked over at the couch and saw both of my dogs laying on their backs with their legs up in the air, brownies missing off the table. Upon closer inspection I Saw The Tell Tale crumbs on their chins. They had collectively eaten another 3 brownies from batch 2. I quickly shoo’ed them off of the couch and up the stairs and we all collapsed on the bed in a baked stupor. This whole time I was getting higher and higher. Finally, honestly believing I was going to die I asked God not to take my life. Some time after, feeling satisfied that my prayer had been answered, i asked God to heal my back, ( why not?)which had recently gotten bad in my upper, as well as the lower portion( my older, permanent injury). It felt like a hot knife was between my shoulder blades, the muscles in knots. As I prayed i felt a warmth grow between my hands. Then, rubbing my hands together, I could feel the energy coursing thru them. Spreading my hands apart i began moving my hands in almost imperceptible circles, like forming a miniature snowball. (or, more appropriately, making a ball of hash)I could feel this ball of energy like it was an actual ball. It was there, no doubt. As I rolled the ball around it pressed into the palm of my hand. As I moved my hands I kept increasing the distance between them, with the orb if energy increasing also, until there was a basketball sized space, a basketball-sized orb of invisible energy between and I kept moving my hands around the perimeter of this ball.
At this point, I don’t know why I did it, I pushed this orb of energy up my left arm… visualize here one of the Harlem Globetrotters… over my collar bone and down to that bad spot in my upper back. The whole time clearly and easily feeling this ball of energy traveling in my body. I felt amazing heat and a pulsing of energy. I felt the moment my back was fixed. …I felt my disc go back into its proper place… Permanently. Never had pain there again. It had been like this for 6 months or so. Having had other disc issues before, I’m well aware of what it feels like when a disc goes out of place. Believe what you will, but something fixed my back that night.
Neat thread . I look forward to catching up Shortly.


Great conversation everybody. Way to keep it going. A lot more I could say to what has been said since I last popped in but I don’t have a lot of time now. I’ll come back and respond more fully in a bit

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Now THATS trippin balls😁


50g n,n-DMT vaporized. Total brain reboot.

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