What would you do with this bag seed?



Oh man! That looks/sounds killer! You should have made some beans :disappointed:


Nah im not regretting, still have some random seeds in the fridge but they are mixed up. I could send you some bagseeds from my grows that herm if you want, should found some dosi, gmo, amnesia and related stuff lol :grimacing::grimacing: and if the things work bad for me we will have some XXX mocha crosses soon. :wink:


Grow that bag seed. Never got over my bagseed grow of bleucheese from coffeeshop coolrunnings Maastricht. grown IT loved IT and the stupidly lost it. tried many blue cheeses but none could match it


Well I’ve been hunting for GMO forever! Almost since it came on the scene as I bought an ounce and was blown away, looking for it since, found clones but he wouldn’t ship to Canada sadly. Suppose I could pop them all and just hunt the dosi and gmos. If you for sure have at least 1 gmo bagseed in there I’d gladly do it, and if there’s dosi too even better.


Test IT if you like IT cross IT test IT again and share the wealth


I will send you a pm about GMO. About the dosi seeds they are mixed up so cant guarantee whats it. But i got half an ounce of cured af SMF GMO and its seeded so no problem with that :smirk: I
think I can send you minimum 10! Will check the dosi later.


I kinda feel like you need some of these CM seeds after I test them to see if they pop. If you’re interested, let me know.

BTW, dosidos might be my favorite of the more modern strains I’ve tried so far. I also love DSD 33 from Barney’s. Enough so that that I just ordered some of the exhibition stuff from Archive, and tossed some Rainbow belts on there as well…


Pop 10 seeds, if they are all females then likely from a herm, if a mix of boys and girls u may have a unicorn in there 🤷


100% I am , would be AWESOME Tbh, I agree with dosi as well, one of two cookie crosses I enjoy, still don’t last but it tastes like heaven lol. I’ve got 1 seed I’ll pop eventually and pray it’s good and pray it’s a female. Lol normally 1 seed I’m just like meh, toss it in the random bag. That one I packaged up for the collection boxes.

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I treat Bag seeds like Xmas presents.

Pop them and see what you get!
Sometimes you get :gift: you really like and sometimes you don’t.

As we all know Bag seeds have lead to many popular strains out there.

My hope is that your Cereal Milk/Mystery Milk is an accidental pollination and the offspring will be :fire: .

I will be looking for the WAMMP!
Good Vibes flowing your way @Reefer

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