I bought some unknown seeds from ebay
the guy listed them as cali orange (hemp)
he told me they were legit via PM and i know ebay policy is strict
I bought a few cheap (£6 for 30) with the knowledge I was probably being ripped off
supposedly home bred cali-o
they smell like citrus-y incense is that the right kinda smell
seems a bit too incense smelling in the bag
like walking into a head shop
whats your experience?
Tempted to try and taste but random ebay seller…
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They are probably hemp seed if the seller said they were. You shouldn’t feel ripped off.
Only time I’ve ever smelled anything is when the seed or seeds are mixed with the weed in the sack. Bag seeds.
Unless your tying bow lines or making gunnysacks don’t grow those. You could ruin your garden or just waste copious amounts of time and energy to grow unconsumable hemp. You’ll have better luck with a straight bag seed.
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I know ebay wont let you sell anything with “cannabis” in the listing
I know I probably bought hemp
only time I got proper cali-o was in about 2001 and cant really remember anything except it smelled of oranges but didnt taste of them
Might just throw a few at a couple random sites and see what happens
When I say he told me they were legit I asked if they were cannabis and would make THC and get me high
he said yes, he made them last year
Be careful with that. They’ll jack up anything in the area, bad. I’d pop a couple too just make sure too, but not in proximity to my THC producers. I feel you.
got a potential site 4 miles+ from my nearest grow plot
google maps
They don’t look extremely healthy, but they do appear to be cannabis.
Only one way to know.
Its dope Jim but not as we know it
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ditto. my cali o was from right around that same time, from HS, from dutch passion.
cannabis seeds dont smell at all, i had to re-read that. the flowers smell…i mean maybe they do to like a canine, but i never noticed seeds smelling like anything… and yes cali o, when u get a good pheno it will smell very citrusey and taste like a orangey-skunk. its good old school weed, x-mas tree if u let it, in SOG u get donkey dicks. almost like sk#1. u can have a light saber battle with the colas…
like others said, obviously dont run as yur main crop if u doubt them. Best to buy name brand quality seeds from reputable dealers… u reap what u sow, and no amount of money, knowledge, expertise or badass gear can make crap into gold. so plant known stuff to run…
That being said, if u have an extra 1/2 sqft to play around with, I’d run them, just for curiosity sake… i’d crack some, to see if they were even viable and plant them in 16oz cups in the corner, veg them 3 weeks, and flip them. being that small, they wont take up too much space. if u get rock hard dense bugs of stoney, orangey, citrusey skunkweed ,then you will know its legit.
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Yea, seeds don’t have the essential oils the flowers have so they really shouldn’t smell.
eBay… that’s a first! There are places like seedbay around not sure if they still are. Lol, I would say it’s a flip of a coin if you’ve got real cali o there. Did the seller happen to say the strain was from a particular breeder or seed company? If so, did he rework the line or are you getting them as they were from the breeder. I would recommend next time buying a pack from Nirvana Seeds or KC Brains. Both seed companies packs are considerably under $50USD so that’s a plus and can recommend a handful of their strains.
Either way, like @Kalgrae said I would pop them but just make sure you separate the males during flowering or kill them if you’re running any other strains around just in case they are hemp in which case they could polllenate other strains and seed em with hemp genes.
How were this guy’s feedback ratings on ebay? Whatever the percentage is, that is going to be odds of you getting good plants.
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Ive come to the conclusion I must have epic sense of smell
went through all my seeds and I can smell weed/hemp on all of them
certain strains have more definite smells but there is a background tinge on all of them
the bags smelled, think they must have been in a drawer with incense
I have to admit its only a slight whiff.
remember a tangie I popped last season stank of green must have had a crystal stuck to it??
I do sometimes wonder why my neighbours use such strong washing powder that I can smell it in our garden, seems overpowering even at distance. seems my senses improved when I quit smoking
food tastes better too.
PS the guy had like 5 rep so totally legit
There is not a single organ, tissue, nerve cell, bone cell or other structure in the human body that reacts well to the tobacco in cigarettes.
Aren’t there better things to roll up and smoke?
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Was recently gifted 5 Cali O x Durban from Fleur de Mal.
You knows I can’t wait to see if they can swim.
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cali o 77 smells like orange marmalade skunk
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