What's going on? 🙄 (solved, thx)

You mean the gypsum? I will look for it, thanks … beer3|nullxnull

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Top dress or feed super helpful. That was the wrong list of my feed my even more weird than that.hahahah

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Obviously anything I say can’t be trusted hahahahah

Too Pro for me, I just mix in 10 liters can measuring ml of each bottle, sort of wishy-washy method but enough for having something to vape … :sunglasses:

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I have no idea what I’m doing I just kinda wing it.jist kinda figure it’s got me this far why change.


The first thing I do when I have an issue is check the soil ph and tds. Just because you’re feeding say 6.5 doesn’t mean the soil is 6.5 I learned that the hard way. Also if the tds coming out I really high then a flush may be in order but if the tds is close to the feeding tds a flush is not a good idea.

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Thanks, that was the problem :sweat_smile:, runoff pH was 5.40, so Calcium is not available at that range:

Soil pH chart

360 ppm (0.7 EC icon_e_confused|nullxnull) so apparently no salt buildup, I think my mistake was adding pH down to the dehu water (6,8) thinking it was the tap water (7.4), had measured 2 drops per 10 liters and never checked the pH thinking it was OK, lesson learnt, thanks for your help … beer3|nullxnull


I did the same my last grow…watered 6.2 to 6.5 but got nute lockout as soil ph was 5.5

And how did you manage to correct it, flushing with pHed water? You mentioned it’s not a good idea if TDS is close to feeding, which may be my case … :sunglasses:

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No need to flush just start watering with 7.0 water and retest after a few watering. You should see it climb just a little after each watering. I do like to get a little run off but nothing crazy.
Once its back in the proper range go back to your previous ph. I will say you can definitely increase you feeding a little with only 300 tds.

This is middle of the road which is plenty imo. Less is sometimes more.

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Thanks, half of them are sativas which I was told to feed low, so I give the same to the rest as they’re mostly finishing and didn’t see any fading on their leaves. I don’t water until runoff to keep dry their feet and humidity low, I also tend to avoid salt build ups while feeding low … :sunglasses:


How many parts is your nutrients @George

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What do you mean by that? icon_e_confused|nullxnull Things like 2-0-3 or brands and extras? Sorry for my confusion … :sweat_smile:

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Brands and extras. Sorry for not being more clear.

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No prob man, my English is poor, I am using:

Advanced Nutrients pH perfect (Grow, Micro, Flora)
Grotek Pro-Sylicate
Grotek Cal-Max
Grotek Growth-Max
ATA Root fast
Shogun Dragon Force

and sometimes Epsom Salt and molasses … beer3|nullxnull

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I would love to see the ratios of npk of each , that interests me : ) just curious

Wow @corgitron ca 160 lol

I know. Wild right!

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Hahaha his ca is the same nearly as his total npk , no way he’s havin a laugh

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Glad you didn’t mention the S count… Hahahahaj @ifish