Whats in my box?

not allowed. hurty words joe bidens a peadophile kiddly fiddling child sniffer and trumps a cunt


Those buds are gorgeous.

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Cheers @TerpeneTrail

Final weigh in for Bahia Blackhead from KC Brains is 24g.


Good crop considering 12/12 since seed.

I see you have grown some strains from KCB, have you grown Leda Uno from KCBrains? I highly recommend it.

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Thanks @Piter. I cant complain with that crop. Its certainly a quality over quantity but Im happy for 12/12.

I was looking at the Ledo Uno but got Brains Choice, Haze Special, Double D and some others. KC Brains seems to have some interesting beans.

I think I will grow some of your Floyd crosses next.


If you are short on them, simply ask… still have plenty.


Ever run the k-36? Always has caught my eye but never could find proper information and only received kcbrains as free souvenirs but like nirvana usually 3 out of the ten were good so your post rocks!:beers:

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Hello @StrongerthanDirt thanks for popping in.
Ive never run the k36 but overall Im finding KC Brains beans to be excellent value for money with some interesting results. Heres my KC beans stash.


Weekly update. Top dressed a couple.


Final weigh in for the 00 seeds Northern Lights is 18g.

Not surprising considering its 12/12 from seed.


Autos being grown au naturel in the conservatory, been bent to stop nosey eyes.


Decided to stagger the harvest on the crystal limit. The top is broken and many of the leaves are entering senescence which if left unchecked may lead to bud rot in this section. I think I will give the rest a week. Its golf ball dense and looks a lovely smoke.
Managed to break a big bud off of one of the Afghanis but no hassle it will give me smoke test.
Next down will be the other northern lights shrub probably on Sunday.


That’s unfortunate that a bud “broke off”…why does that always seem to happen near the end of a run? :rofl: I admit it happens to almost every plant I’ve ever grown :thinking:. :green_heart: very nice energy in here my friend!

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Cheers @Jpaul

Weekly update, chop day for the lanky crystal limit. The other crystal limit is living up to its name. Northern lights will probably come down tomorrow and the Dr Rays cheese will get another week. This will give room to finish the rest without hassle.


Holy pic dump. Gonna take a bit to digest all this. Whew. :green_heart:

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Nice crop!

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Thanks @Bert
I reckon should do 3 oz plus on the crystal, maybe 1 oz on the nothern lights and 3 plus oz the cheese which should see me through.
My flavour library of smoke is looking and smoking better than 90% of coffee shops or sociodads Ive been in. Vive la prohibition.


Time to chop the Northern Lights from 00 seeds.

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