Whats in my box?

Weekly update
One zoid was male so got chopped. Bit overcrowded at the moment.


Just beautiful @jesuswearsflares . Plants look so healthy and happy, lush green dankness. :green_heart: grow on!!! Might I add there’s some nice frost coming on too. :ok_hand:t2:

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Final dried weigh in for the San Bacio Burger 51g.


Time to chop the Forbidden Fruit. It could go longer but its occupying valuable real estate and is so dense I dont want any issues with it. I had a cheeky bong of this just over a week a go and she smokes as good as she looks. A fruity exhale taste and and incredibly strong strange buzz. I think this should yield at least 5 oz dry.


Oh my that looks tasty and a cool looking frost as well! :green_heart:

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Thanks for stopping by @Jpaul Its very strong too, give me an almighty headrush on the bong after coughing, thought I was blacking out I was in stars and triangle land. Its so dense as well, even the foxtails could be used as ear buds. Every hundred maybe even a million or so plants grown reveals a true gem. A proper tasty strong big yielder grown from seed under 12/12. I reckon this could be one of them. A true sinsimellia. Jah bless, Jah provide, Jah is love. One love

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Congrats and hope you are keeping it going one way or another if it’s hitting all the right notes. Stars and triangleland…love it. Grow on my friend, sending positive vibes and good energy your way!

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Weekly update
Everything has sexed as female leaving it pretty crowded.
1 Bahia Blackhead - KC Brains
1 banana zoid - mine
3 chocolate rain - Esko
1 Dr Cheese - Dr Ray (smell nothing at all like cheese)
3 Afghan Kush - silver leaf seeds
2 Crystal limits - KC Brains
2 Northern lights - 00 seeds (all these 00 seed varieties appear to be dwarf shrubs)


Your plants are looking so vibrant.

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Thank you, some of these have had extra love some are loveless but they all look the same like they are about to cause me massive hassle due to overcrowding once the flowering begins. I might have to make a sacrifice or two to the compost heap in order to maintain herd integrity.
These are mostly in bio bizz bat soil using bio bizz nutes with some added guano and silica.

These 2 are both autos about 4 weeks from seed under 24/0. Both have been topped and both repotted today. Never touch autos usually but the blue dream is very tasty and the sun is free. Both will just get natural sunshine hours now.


Dried weigh for the forbidden fruit is 161g which is 5 3/4 oz.


Weekly update. Bahia Blackhead is suffering from being waterlogged but she will be fine. Everything else is happy.


Weekly update. The big girl at the end left in the box is an afghan kush. Bahia needs to chill out.


They all look great, but man, that Afghan Kush is amazing. FROSTY!
Always fun checking in to see what you’ve got going on. Enjoy the evening!

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Thanks @MyrtleGrounds

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Well some mixed news on the Bahia Blackhead from KC Brains. Its a little lady boy. These are not the only nanas but Im hoping they are sterile. A couple have opened but dont see any pollen. Too many plants to take a chance so its getting chopped. I was looking at it and the description thinking it may be early but they say 42 days onwards. Im treating this as a blessing at the moment. If I get any seeded plants out of the others I may scrap the lot but Im sure all will come good. This Bahia blackhead has had some stress as can be seen from the leaves but not imo enough to throw nanas. I reckon an oz on this with nice smells. So its not a write off but I will keep a close eye on KC Brains beans.


Beautiful plants and great photos!

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Thannks @Bert

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Weekly update,snapped few branches moving these this week including the big crystal limit main cola but no worries. The big afghan girl is into a bit of bondage…