What's Rasterman Growing?

I’m gonna hold for now. Thanks though! :fist:t3: I have so many seeds! :joy: I will be watching for those Scorpion Candy or her crosses if those pan out. Definitely interested in some of those bad beans! :fist:t3:


They will. I’ve got Scorpion Candy in veg, and am also vegging a Cap Junky just in case. If I get pollen from the Scorpion Candy, I’ll save the Cap Junky pollen for later.


I’m such a dumbass! :joy: You were talking about the Purple Canyon seeds “someone” so generously provided. Yeah, I’ve still got a lot of those seeds too. I’m a little :snail: today.


Okay, :triumph: so I chopped the DAF (Decaying Alien Fruit) a few days ago and it’s not a stunt. I mean it’s not huge, but it ain’t no stunt, neither. :cowboy_hat_face: I smoked some a little while ago and it just about knocked me on my 🫏. :mailbox_with_mail: This is what’s left of it aside from what’s in the grinder.

So get yourself a pack of Mephisto Toofless Alien and cross it to something good. You’ll get something great! :v::sparkles::champagne: I think I have about 40 seeds left. I’m going to do an open pollination to F2 and then do some hunting. Maybe I’ll even make some seeds for you guys and gals.


I have this marked “Grape Pupil,” but I’m pretty sure it’s the Grape Stomper clone I lost. Grape Pupil I got from @NDNCHILD has purple, purple flowers. Anyway, it’s week five and she smells fruity and delicious, and look at this frost starting to come out…


Yup! The Grape Pupil should go pretty dark purple on you and has wider fan blades. She’ll smell of a deep gassy, grapeish aroma.:+1:t3: That Grape stomper is looking really nice, though! I like the grape strains! :smiley:


Thank you! 🫡 I had put the Grape Stomper in a five gallon to veg, but labeled it “Grape Pupil.” Later I was looking for a lady ready to flip and I found her. I was like, “What the hell? What’s this second Grape Pupil doing here?” You know, on account of I always have one in flower and one in veg.

It was the only lady ready for :sunflower::rose::blossom: so even though I didn’t want two Grape Pupils in the tent at the same time, I have a rule. Whoever is most ready to flip gets flipped. I’m constantly telling plants that in veg… Sorry, product testing. :smoking::triumph::dash:


My Purple Canyon was looking terrible. With the heavy buds and spindly branches, it was just flopping over. So I grabbed some duct tape and started giving the branches support. I found a couple of broken branches and removed them, and thought I’d look at them under the microscope to see if they were done enough to keep.

They were. It’s only day 59 but she’s got five or six ambers per frame. My standard is one, so she’s coming down today.

She’s got a nice fuelly and vitamin-pill smell. I’m looking for strong diesel but we’ll see how she smokes.


I did a quick wet trim, and I think I netted about an ounce. Additionally there are a lot of popcorn buds, so this lady isn’t a good yielder. However, it’s the smoke that matters the most.


That’s what I usually say, it’s not the quantity but the quality that truly matters… although we’d all love to have much quantity of great quality :joy: I’d take small amounts of top notch over large quantities of trash anyday. @rasterman

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Me too! I hate smoking huge quantities of mids. I’d much rather have a pheno I have to devote a lot of space to if it means less smoking. My tolerance is so high anyway.

Where’d you get your Sour Grapes/Grapestomper cut? If that’s the legit cut from back in the day, you’re a lucky person. Haha. I’m excited to watch it finish up. Best of luck!!

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I got it from Carver Family Farms in Albuquerque. I don’t think it’s a legit OG cut. They didn’t list its pedigree, which makes me think it was hunted locally. However, the smell is fantastic.

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Nice!!! I don’t even list it as a cut I want, because I haven’t seen it floating around for years, but the real Sour Grapes/Grapestomper cut would be a dream. Yours looks good though. Sounds like a proper place, so they hopefully were able to hunt through a few to find the one you’re growing out. I’d be shocked if you didn’t love that flower if it’s close to original. Super exciting stuff.

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Just so you don’t think I like everything I try, here are my first two NGOPLE without a name yet.

The one on the left is pretty potent but the high is meh. Hopefully it will improve with the cure. The one on the right is mids.

I have one more on flower and I’ll grow a few more this winter before giving up. Too bad, because I’ve got a couple hundred seeds.


Today I dried out a nice Purple Canyon bud on the dashboard of my pickup. It wasn’t completely dry though, so I nuked it. It’s pretty good :poop: :fire:. I have noticed that the first time I smoke, I sometimes get a really good buzz off something new and in a couple of days it’s meh. But this one is good.

Awesome euphoria about 15 minutes after smoking that lasts just a few minutes. But then I was energized, in a good mood, with Flesh and Blood by Nugent running through my head. Before I knew it I was whistling the lead guitar part, or as I call it, the riff that never ends.

It lasted a couple of hours, though it doesn’t seem that long. I’m not going to call her a keeper until after cure though. Anyway at this point, it’s great daytime weed.


Sounds lovely to me and don’t look too bad. I’d take a few a those beans off your hands if you not feeling them. 🫡 @rasterman

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I’m actually trying to grow them all out. If someone doesn’t make you an offer I think I have enough to share though… I’m not sure how far back your knowledge goes, but these are herm offspring and so far have almost always been worth the grow but you have to watch for herms.

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10 outta couple hundred, I would hope so lol… just let me know and I’ll shoot you my deets, if I haven’t already.

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@ManyManySpliffs Oh you’re talking about THOSE seeds. The NGOPLE. Sure, I’ve got plenty to spare. Send me your deets and I’ll send you a couple pucks.