What's Rasterman Growing?

A friend of mine texted me asking me if I had the Vivosun app. I don’t, so he said to get it, and order a bunch of free shit using their coupon for app users.

We think they screwed up, but it’s free $368 worth of gear. Here’s my receipt.

That’s all I paid (zero). I don’t know how long this is going to last, because things on their site are running out of stock.


It lasted about as long as it took to enter my info then the coupon disappeared. :upside_down_face: Looked like it was gonna work then it screwed me around trying to enter an address. By the time I found a workaround the coupon was gone! :joy: So much for the free stuff. Had cool stuff in my cart too! :man_shrugging:t3:
Things were selling out rapidly! :joy: I think someone may lose their job over this one. That’s alot of cash bleeding! :scream:


Damn, I could have used a free fan/filter combo. lol


If it was my company I’d suck it up. Vivosun doesn’t feel the same way. No freebies this week!

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@rasterman @LedZeppelin . I think @VIVOSUN needs to eat that loss and honor their coupon. They made that “promise” when they advertised it as such. A man’s word is his bond. In this community your reputation is everything. If people can not trust them to tell the truth then people will stop buying from them. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Me too. :imp:


My Skywalker x Toof Decay on day 79. You’d think she’d be done by now. She’s oh-so-sticky, and has a cheesy fuel smell that I like.


My Decaying Alien :alien: Fruit, day 79 as well. She’s looking more done, but not yet, unfortunately. I was wrong about the purpling. It’s maroon! Her buds are rock-hard, but out here in the weather she’s not as loud as the other one. She’ll get a 10 in bag appeal though. And frostay! :snowflake::cold_face:


These NGOPLE are on day 77 and are done! I let them get dry and decided to check out their trichomes before giving them water. They’re mostly cloudy everywhere. They have one or two clear trichomes in every frame. Then there are a few scattered ambers, but then there are big clusters of amber here and there.

I may break down each whole plant to average out the trichomes.

The smells are melon and goat cheese. The two smell and look remarkably similar. Here they’re broken down (suddenly I notice a coffee smell too. :joy:) I basically just ripped off the leaves by hand,so they’re really easy to trim but probably a 5 in bag appeal.

Now my hands are super sticky.


I checked my DAF Decaying Alien Fruit and she was done so I chopped her. She’s not a huge plant, but the buds are dense and I’m pretty confident I at least pulled more than an ounce.

Because her buds were already so gorgeous (scroll back a couple of days if you don’t know what I mean), I took the trouble to give her a ten minute trim.

Edit: I think today is day 80, but it’s hard to use a microscope in bright, direct sunlight. So I put a shirt over my head for shade and that’s when I realized she’s most definitely done.


Nice! I look forward to hearing the smoke report on this one, in time!
I’m thinking of going to smaller plants for awhile. So much easier to maintain and I need to run through a bunch of stuff to see what’s up.
I know this is the wrong thread but what ever happened with the Mega Maid? I just put one in flower. I took cuts first and they rooted very quickly.
I like the structure on her. :smiley:

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This is the “What’s Rasterman Growing” thread! :sunglasses: It’s always appropriate.

Most definitely! Because I’m a little short on top shelf, you may see that report sooner than later.

My mom’s in the greenhouse deep in flower. She started flowering pretty quickly after putting her out there. I took a cutting a few weeks ago and it’s rooted but revegging.

Also, she’s a photosensitive auto. If you toss some auto pollen on her, all the seeds (at least :100: of the ones I popped) come out auto.

I was thinking about backcrossing her children to her and see if it’s worth trying to create an auto IBL line.

Here’s mom right now.

And the next mom…


Very cool! Thanks! Cool to know about the auto pollen. I just acquired some. I was asking about her because I was thinking of making seeds with this smaller one I’m flowering now. I’m in the pollination window. :partying_face: I think you helped me make my decision. :fist:t3: She’s probably getting hit with Scarlet Grapes auto fem pollen. :+1:t3:


That’s a great combo! :100:

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I’ll send you some beans when they’re ready if all goes well.
:joy: I just realized I’m vegging one of the Oreoz autos you sent me too. :joy: She’s getting Fro-Yo auto fem pollen when ready. Gonna call them FroZenOreYos if that’s not taken. :joy: You can have some of those too if I don’t screw something up. :grin:


Coitainly! I’m always up for seeds. I’ve only grown one of those Oreoz autos. It was fire, but wasn’t an auto. Hopefully that was the only dud in the pack. FroZenOreYos is a perfect name! :cool:


Update on the Purple Canyon F2 - She’s looking a little shittier than usual right now. I’ve been running temps near 100 (sometimes more) and she’s not happy about it. She gets really stressed if she THINKS she’s going to run dry. So I just watered her.

This pheno is pretty spindly, but a month in and I can smell fuel, garlic and cotton candy. Nice smell, nice bud structure, but not very heat-tolerant. She’ll do much better this winter if I have the space to run her.

It might seem superstitious, but I can tell by the smell that she’s going to be fire! :fire::hot_face:


You must have a bunch of these seeds. :joy: :+1:t3:
Just saw on your other thread you’re looking for orange. You should check out those OBS one day.
Orange peel and Flintstones push up pops in those all day long. As well as a bunch of balls! :man_shrugging:t3: Fair warning… again! :joy:


The orange peel smell just blew me away a couple summers ago. Then I killed the clones on accidental dumbassery. The same time I killed my Purple Canyon clone.

I’ll check those out. Also, @Wizdom sent me some BOO seeds a few days ago!

You know me, I ain’t afaird of no balls. I suspect this Purple Canyon has been diddling herself but can’t find proof.


I still have a few left if you want to run some. They’re regulars and the two females I grew before were both fire, really smooth and tasty smoke, and a great, uppy buzz. Kept my wife awake, too, so I got to smoke most of it myself.

They’re retail. I’m hoping I get an awesome female to make my own S1s from.

Edit: I think I started with 20 seeds. This guy is really generous.