What's Rasterman Growing?

Always happy to see another one of these make it to the jar! :+1:t3: @rasterman I knew there was a reason I kept em around. :slightly_smiling_face: One day I’ll hunt through some of the Purple Crash beans I have stashed back. There was some really nice smoke in those too.

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I’m pretty happy with this one. I’m going to veg my clone out now but also pop another seed. I can probably put it on flower by October. Yeah, pop some of those Purple Crash and let us see how they do! :+1::+1:

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Sorry for all the posts today! I’m pretty sure I just have one more thing to share. :slightly_smiling_face:

You probably remember me saying NGOPLE had clusters of amber and amber-free zones. And I was going to mix them together. Well, I decided to mix both plants together, as well. It came out to 36.8 grams dry, not counting the 6-8 grams I smoked during testing.

Some of you have heard me raving about doobie weed. This is classic doobie weed right here. I’ll let you know if my experience differs substantially from what I mentioned earlier.


Okay, last post. After mixing it all together, I find it’s a very pleasant and relaxing smoke. Very medicinal. Nice for relaxing before bed.


My friend in Colorado Springs texted me asking when I would be sending him the Strawberry Cough clone I promised. I went to check my clones, and there was no Strawberry anything clone anywhere. I ran out to the greenhouse in a panic. :hot_face: You know, like you would do if you lost a cut you liked. :hot_face::pray::hot_face:

It seems I just assumed I already had clones and didn’t need to make cuttings. So I took some cuttings. She’s not that deep in flower so they’ll flip back in a few weeks, I think.



The Grape Stomper clone I accidentally labeled “Grape Pupil” is a month in flower but I paid $75 for her and don’t want to pay it again. She’s delicious!

So I took cuttings today. Two very short cuttings.


I’m so dreading to bring snips in to back up right now.
You got an isolation spot or…?
I’m quite the aphid farmer these days. :nauseated_face:


You’re going to love that Grape Stomper!!


They’re isolated right now. But once they sprout it’s into genpop! :crazy_face::crazy_face:


This is my second (third, actually) NGOPLE. Originally, it was just a pollen-chucking exercise. But I’ve been smoking on her sisters pretty regularly. So now I’m wondering how this one is going to turn out and whether I should grow a few more and see what this pairing is capable of.


It’s with a heavy heart that I report to you today, that the two Skunk #1 F4s that I have left are also male.

I believe that makes five males in a row. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Normally that would be okay but it’s kind of getting ridiculous.

At least any seeds I have left from @BRMTreefarmer just about HAVE to be female. Right? :pray::prayer_beads::place_of_worship:

I might not be able to get back to them until next summer. But all of them got quite large, so when I DO get a female I’ll be in great shape.


Damn it man! I was hoping to see some big harvests from those seeds I put out there.


That’s cool, because now I feel like the rest of them are females and can plant them one at a time.


I still have plenty more if they happen to not work out for you. Just say the word and they will be on the way.


Thanks @BRMTreefarmer - much appreciated.


Been meaning to ask about Mendocaine… You keep her?
It’s the only one that didn’t make it outside.


I have one almost ready to harvest. I love the smoke and the fat buds but she needs a lot of veg because she doesn’t really stretch.

I was going to chop this weekend but will probably wait one more week.


Nice buds there looking chonky good. More a sedative buzz on this one?


Yeah it’s opi-ish like codeine or something, though not the same, it fills that spot.


This Grape Stomper is collapsing under its own weight. Last weekend I tried to help it out with duct tape but was only partially successful.

Terrible, huh? :scream::fearful:

I found myself wishing I had some bamboo. :panda_face: Then I thought, “Are you stupid? You grow cannabis, you asshole.” You know, I’m just sitting there looking over the plant at the Skunk #1 F4s I discarded yesterday for being too :basketball_man::man::mens:. Nice little bamboo switch once it’s cleaned up a little.

You probably know the rest of the story, as the late and very great Paul Harvey would say.

'Course then I remembered I was going to bring it inside so I could get a better look at its trichomes. Quite a few amber, but aaah don’t know… She’s day 65 on the nose. I’ll look at her tomorrow and decide then.