What's the deal with weed in Cabo?

Looks like I’ll be heading down to Cabo San Lucas in October.

Anyone purchased down there? I understand it’s available online for delivery?

Short of that, is there a good way to travel via air or mail ahead with an oz?


cabo has a pretty bad rep for being mainly narcs selling herb. my bro goes all the time, no bud though. the laws in mexico don’t apply the same accross mexico. it’s worse than the u.s. when it comes to weed and even worse if you are a tourist. i was not able to find bud in PR and finding it in QR was pretty hard outside the cancun area. this time of year will be pretty bad i guess. if you order online and it works, let us know. that would be a new thing.


I went to Mexico recently. I think best bet is feel it out. If you’re staying in a resort type place, you can be friendly and ask one of the staff that looks the part. I ended up with some amazing stuff from some local surfers that looked like shwag but had me and the wife laying in the shade jibberjabbering high as fuck like we were on molly. There was some total trash from the guy with the pot leaf on his hat. Then there was the 180 dollar quarter of California cookies mylar type stuff from the guy all the staff recommends.

I’d say find the surfers weed.

I hope this helps

Ps. Delivery services looks like a setup/bogus anyway, imho



I’ve had the best luck with “hey man if I give you $20 would you break me off a nice nug?” Instead of “hey man how much for an eighth?”

And I don’t mess around with international borders.

Best quickest travelling weed score I’ve ever had:

Then we smoked the whole night away.


Post-post script: two people that came with us on two different flights got stopped, but not busted, and both will never do it again.

Six hours and a trashed stash later, they made it


Searching a bit further i’m seeing warnings about buying from someone who approaches you… cops have been known to entrap. I wont take that chance…

I dont have to have something down there but if i could find safely i wouldnt mind it.



Not sure if i’ll be in a resort or renting a house.

Good tips, pretty common sense. I wont be dealing with the guy advertising on the beach…

Appreciate the feedback guys.

@Foreigner i bet you had a great time.


It was a blast. And I learned a lot from them socioeconomic politics, that sort of thing. Very cool guys with the odd shark but it’s like that everywhere.

I was at a borderline age to be chilling with 20 year old surfers and if I were to do it today I might just be that creepy old dude :thinking:

Also, if you are going to resorts, and I can’t say for sure about Cabo, but there are signs everywhere saying we will expel you for using drugs. Cartels are a big problem and they don’t want it spilling over into tourist trade.


LOL, sooner or later, we are all 'that creepy old dude’… :rofl: :vulcan_salute:



Iv been there for years… hell my son may be too old to the 20 somethings…

Trying to remember when I last went a week with no ganja… decades probably.


I’ve spent months in Central/South America.

Need it quick? After 7pm, Cab drivers (under 60yo), the ones who sit out in front of resorts are getting asked for drugs constantly. I’d be surprised if they don’t offer it to you frankly.

Night clubs all have assigned/organized dealers, order a beer, tip well & ask the bartender. Easy peasy.

In the 1 in 1,000,000 chance you run into an “issue” keep $100 in your sock to pay them off. You’re talking about one of the most corrupt countries on the planet. You’re not getting locked up for mota.

You’re going to come back to this thread when you get back & be like “that was surprisingly easy” :+1:


Haha, I like that, @gonzo

[quote=“Gonzo, post:12, topic:113957”]
You’re going to come back to this thread when you get back & be like “that was surprisingly easy”

I hope you get some crazy sativa like we did! I went three days before I figured my best bet is to simply talk to folks and It’ll find you.

Saved some San Diego navy friends who were up to no good anyways, but made it out ok. Advisable regardless of intention


Sadly, looks like even edibles aren’t an option as far as bringing it with you. I was gonna suggest that, since it was a nice stress-free way for me to maintain my habit when I went to Miami a few years ago; but Mexican customs seems to have stricter rules than the TSA. No food items allowed unless they have “any packaging or company seal.”

Might have to go with the hotel swag, if you can’t find the local surfers. :frowning: I’m sure there’ll be some around, but the obvious question that follows is how far you can trust the people selling it to you.


Ah, no chance for Cormoran cookies then?!

I’m probably over thinking this but is been a long time since I slipped into another country with a fake beer can at bottom of a cooler. I’m sure I’ll find a few to share at minimum when I catch a whiff. Then I can ask…

Daughter went to Jamaica last year, had it delivered. She asked her guy if he could get any seed from any of the old pothead. He actually delivered too…


Yup & I did it too. It’s just weed man, you could literally just ask the guy out front of the hotel who waves over cabs. Or the bellboy carrying your suitcase. Or the poolside bartender. I promise you, it’s going to be simple, its as easy as asking.Don’t lose a wink of sleep over it, you’ll have decent weed DAY ONE :+1:


I would not take a chance. I’m from California and my parents are from Mexico.
I have traveled back and fourth all my 42 years of life.
You do not want to be caught up in a Mexican Prison. over some bS.
You can find it around just like you mentioned.
Cab driver or anyone around the beach selling souvenirs is your best bet.
Good luck.


Did the “sock” thing in TJ once 35 years ago cheap cop only cost me $20 :laughing:


Yeah, jailed in Mexico is not something i want to experience.

My son and i always had the dream of driving down to Cabo, from east coast. Spend a month camping along the Sea of Cortez… Bahia de Los Angeles and a few other spots. Surf fishing, fish taco’s, cerveza… visit Coco’s corner… but i think i missed my window for that.


Sounds like a blast.
If you can physically do those activities your time has definitely not passed you up.
But if you can’t then I guess it’s just drinking ,eating and relaxing on the beach :ok_hand::ok_hand:
Also a great option

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