What's the point in auto flowers?

I and others can pull twice that in under 90 days

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Have i got this right, your saying you and others can yeild 350/500g with auto’s?

And more, yes

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I grow both autos and photoperiod plants. Autos very rarely finish in the breeders time period they state. I also find that Autos yield fluffy buds. They can yield immense though giving the right conditions. Personally I find photoperiod plants yield a lot more. Each to their own I guess.

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Banana daddy IBL 65 days from seed


If you want predictable I think you’d be better off finding clones you like and then master growing them over a few cycles.

I grow auto’s because it’s nice to have a variety and I can stick in empty space in my veg area. The more autos you grow you the better you get and the yield can be good but I’ve always been able to yield more growing a bunch of clones and really dialing everything in.

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I do grow a variety of clones, I was pointing out to new poster @SativaSavant the time frame with photoperiod seeds isn’t much different.

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I can do that also buddy. Emerald Fire Og auto about 60 days.

Autos do best under 18/6 minimum lighting. Photoperiod require 12/12. “Most” autos go well past the breeder stated times before they mature. I respect autoflowers. I love them for what they are. A space filler while you veg out a proper plant. Sorry.


im kinda mad how much this plant smells like banana fosters

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That what I get for jumping in the middle of a discussion :laughing:
Great looking plants btw :fire:

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Btw, do you use autos for cloning?

No real point to it as you can’t hold the in veg and they are on the same timeline. People do it though, seems to be just for fun/to see if they can.


Hey bud no, like @JustANobody said its not worth cloning them for flowering it’s more of a novelty to clone auto’s.


I usually clone, but I guess not with autos. I am considering leaving a stem or two after harvest and allowing them to run until they herm so I can collect the pollen. Later I can do an F2 pollination to a single stem and keep on rocking with fem seeds.

Run both. I get 2 harvests a season from autos, while my photos take a full season.
Harvests every 3 months, crazy flavor profiles. More strains less time. Less space. Lots of reasons.


I generally HST, and lollipop, and I’ll often clone the lollipopped branches. For a variety of reasons, but primarily for seed making with something that turns out special. I can often get a fully dried smoke of something and be able to make some beans in a more informed manner without it hurting yields.

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Cool method! I usually do some high-stress training and prune the plants, then clone those trimmed branches

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Some 20ish day old autos already culled, and training started long ago, I do this specially with my breeding plants to see how they respond to stressors. Lots of Jammy dodgers #2 x Blueberry auto regs, some Panamanian Strawberries, and a few others. The autos are outperforming the photos (Black Widow, cereal milk) in this one


I love autos!


The best thing about autos is that the crop hunters are too late searching for crops to steal