What's the point in auto flowers?

The more you clone the faster they get to a point.
I have had clones with hairs all over them
Itching to flower but they had to wait their turn.

Clones covered in pre flowers are quicker than clones with none.


I’ve got a papaya wine from atlas that’s 3 years old. I can’t wait to run her on a table in a bit. She is still super vigorous in veg also

Nice work looks tasty as :yum:

Bruce banner auto by seedstockers…tasty nice buzz, not particularly long lasting but nice smoke all the same

Green gelato auto RQS…minty sweet gas, found it to be a creeper and surprisingly potent


There’s another factor to consider than fast flowering, it’s the day/night ratio that triggers this flowering. And that’s an important one. You can find photos that flowers in late June in northern latitudes. This is not a trait that is really tested nor breed for, apart by people that needs it to grow outdoor, where you can not play only with the fast flowering. Even if it’s fast but start flowering mid-August, it has to be really sturdy and resistant then. But that’s also easier to test/breed for there, don’t need a whole specific infra and flow.

Look at the thyphoon for exemple, photos that flowers in june real up north:

Could not resist to post this videos :smiley:

In fact if you think about it, ruderalis comes from the same ancestors than the others. It just adapted itself in thousands of years of propagation.

So like I said I been following this dude for 5 years.
If your into autos and worthy vendors
Check out his vids.
Huge hauls.
If I were in legal land I run both .

Check him out.


We definitely need an OG cup. Zero category, everything welcome to compete.


Using my method there is no reason to ever do a multiple up potting… please do not try using RR plugs or anything small like a solo cup to start an auto… no idea why, they just do not like it and stunt 90% of the time. I think it’s because of the limited veg time they have where a photo period can out grow this stunting eventually, not an auto…

1gal pots to start, plastic… so larger roots develop establishing the plants foot hold.
3gal pot, fabric… so the larger roots get air trimmed as they reach the pots edge creating feeder roots to pop out everywhere… this is what you want all thru flowering… uptake of water and nutrients thru these roots… thus the reason for the felt pot. it’s a combination I’ve done well with for 10yrs of autos…
Here’s my latest grow, up potted a week ago.

See how the bottoms have been cleaned up… no leaf below a certain point… every tiny bit of lower growth robs the plant of energy as it stops to feed or care for it on it’s way upward towards the bud growth… so, get that crap off there… lol

And, after seeing her structure really beginning to shape up I just had to break out the Beast Mode pollen tonight and do some branch painting… this time I actually marked the branch… lol


This one was painted next…
IMG_20240304_074348 !

The Iced Latte was to far along and a bit of a runt to use for breeding… reminds me of my original Sour60


Thank you @Carty for this information. I’ll definitely try it out the next time I run them inside.
Starting in 1 gallon for outdoor is more of a challenge with space. You think starting in bigger containers, say4 by 4 than into the ground would be better than plugs into the ground?

I find autos do great started in plugs and solo cups as long as they’re transplanted with the right timing. Usually 10-12 days in plugs, then into its permanent home is my sweet spot for autos, the longer you go after that, the better the likelihood of triggering flower or stunting. Solo cups maybe 15ish days then into pots. I like running them many to a 5 gallon pot outdoors. A few in 2-3 gallons is fun as well and can elicit nice plants. This is one that was stress tested and started out 1 of 24 in a 5 gallon and made some beans. Pathetic for smoke, but plenty of beans for hunting

Unless you’re in a place that gets boatloads of sunshine and good weather, autos are meh outdoors compared to in. Indoors that same plant could have been 10x the size and yielded an elbow easy in 80 days with typical lighting in DWC. And that last bit is one of many reasons why autoflowers


Hey there, just trying to figure out if I should go with autoflowering or fem seeds for transplanting my plants outdoors. Any thoughts?

Dude I love autos. 90 days seed to harvest. I can get 2 harvests per year. Run them as my photo periods take 6-7 months. So ill have a harvest just as summer starts. To get me through till big boy plants are done. Crazy flavors out there now too. Fast buds killing it.


If you ever plant a seed and 2 months down the line realise its a male, leaving you with no time for a photoperiod , you can just toss autos down so you can at least get a harvest. Its happened to me, thought I was screwed, but autos saved me.

Two harvests a year? That’s sweet! More struggle with photos, isn’t there?

Well its not a struggle its just reg seeds have like a 50% chance of being male and you won’t know for a couple months. Best to plant double or triple seeds to ensure you get one female. If you get All males you stuck with your pants down. I always keep a few autos seeds in case this happens

For your first auto don’t top or do anything to it to stress it out. They can’t handle alot of training. Usually LST is best…

The YouTube channel highigan does slot of autos. Should watch all of them. Lots of info, that’s what got me into it.

BasementGanja on youtube also grows autos, and he mainlines the hell out of them.

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I’ve never grown them I’m looking for something more predictable.

If you treat a photoperiod the right way it’ll be ready in 90/100 days.

95/100 days, with clones you can take 20/25% off that time


@Star_Dog Done maybe, but you won’t yield nearly as much as an auto can.