When a sponsorship is required to post?

So I would never have met BOG, known Swampwolf or talked with Rez.
I wouldn’t have contributed to countless auctions and benefits of members.
I wouldn’t know so many great people, some of whom I’ve met and done business with.
I wouldn’t have helped with initiating meetings of stealth shipping and seed transfers.

I now know it is a business, not a passion. For me telling people we were overgrowing the world was the drive, making it possible for patients to get meds, growers to share & breeders to breed.

Maybe Elon Musk wants a pot forum in Twitter, but this is a bummer.


Instead of a romulan co op run , let’s all chip in extra and turn it into a fundraiser , then everyone wins , members and the site : )


I just want to apologize for causing problems in here. I wasn’t trying to go public with a private conversation, I was trying to simply say goodbye to people but I can see how I completely screwed that up. I really didn’t mean for this.

Thank you all for sharing with me and having me for the time I was here. God bless :v::green_heart:


I completely understand but you also have a big chunk of this community fighting for you to be allowed to stay…

Do whatever makes you happy though :+1:


but i dont see any mess. everyones trying to figure out a way :slight_smile:


@the_bot we all workin togeather : )


I don’t want this suggestion to get buried, because I think it simultaneously maintains a precedent which was already set, and clearly delineates a user’s sponsor status @LemonadeJoe and @RomulanGenetics could this be a mutually beneficial/acceptable option?
Good idea @LegsMahoney


Even though I haven’t talked to you personally, I have really appreciated reading your posts.
I know you said you didn’t want help in anyway, but I can pitch in on Friday if needed.
Nothing expected back at all, I just want to continue reading your posts! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: :v:
I hope you stay! :grinning:


@LemonadeJoe - Had the most fun here ever yesterday, bummed out major as this guy might as well be me also.
But I don’t know squat other than the great luck of the plant itself. I try to contribute, but mostly just a seed collecting, pollen chucking pot head.
Sorry that rules exist that send away such a great contributor, I wish I could contribute the way he has.



Me right now lol


Hey bud, you did not cause any problem. Really it’s just your presence that has brought up a subject that folks are discussing. The facts are simple really. Joe wants to honor his sponsors for their contributions by protecting the sponsor status. The community and Joe all feel you bring some very valuable knowledge and also friendship to this place. Everyone wants you to stay. I don’t feel there is any problem that does not have a solution and you have everyone’s support. Help us to figure out something that works so all can be happy.

Would you be willing to go in for a site fundraiser to cover sponsorship costs? I am sure many here would be willing to donate seeds to said auction if you agreed to it. Not only would that be good for you but also for the site and the users would would benefit from the auction lot. What are your thoughts on this options @RomulanGenetics ?


Great Idea!


Man, this is the most depressing thread on OG. 420 wangover maximum.


I’m feelin the good vibes , happiness is just around the corner : )

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The reason I contributed a good chunk of change (and headache replacing 5k seeds after high glass ran off a with em) is because overgrow is a special place I want to see thrive. That should be a common factor in most people here to find agreement.

Plan on doing another this year but I’ll handle my own shipping this time ha!

I got ran off the farm and banned because I wouldn’t send Logics shady ass any seed ha! Rollitup is ran by some real characters too. We’re all lucky for this place whether you know it or not ha!


RIU is terrible. I’ve seen them run off a few people with their BS. I think it’s expensive for that stuff there, too. Too bad they can’t be bothered to improve the site with the money they charge. The site runs slow, their emojis are ancient ones from AOL days, no preservation/seed runs, no real community there at all aside from a few of the breeder threads. OG is def where it’s at. Hopefully RomulanGenetics can figure out a way to stick around


Trollitup is a horrible place for cannabis community.
Possibly the worst in the world.
Most online cannabis forum are full of rude and disrespectful people.
I believe some of these folks are not even interested in cannabis.
The political trolls are real scum.
I hate to talk politics but these kind bring it into every discussion.

I do realize how special this place is, if it was not I would not be here.
I gave up on almost every other cannabis forum.
They just do not provide any useful information anymore.
All the old community is gone, and people are not out to help others anymore.
The sense of community is real here and I like that a lot.
Good to see you round @Tonygreen
Best wishes my brother!


Maybe Musk will free the net…


Better not ….you’ll get the Shits



End of sentence