Where is the best place for clones right now in Denver?

Hi Everyone. So a trip to denver fell in my lap. What nursery / dispensaries have the best clones and selection?


I got some from L eagle services and they weren’t to bad zero pest problem can also order online and they will hold for 24-48 hours something like that

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heard good things about L’Eagle like @Cratix said. also heard good things about Kind Love and The Denver Clone Store


There’s surprisingly few choices here. It always seems like there’s much better clone nurseries on the west coast… maybe that’s a ‘grass is greener’ perspective. Kind Love’s clone menu is the best I’ve seen, but I can’t tell you anything about them personally.


Tread lightly, I’ve gotten clones from reputable dispensaries, that introduced bugs into my grow.

Only clones I use are ones I take.

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Gotta quarantine your clones

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figured that out when it destroyed one of my crops

Always quarantine! At least 2 weeks, preferably a month to watch out for bugs and disease. During quarantine, I treat them all like they are contaminated and spray with garden soap and sulfur on them all now.


I can!

Kind Love had great clones…never had an issue ever. Grown quite a few. Been a few years since I’ve lived in Denver though.

La Conte’s clones sucked, FWIW. Weird reveg, puny things.


@vernal La Contes, Was that the little spot on Washington that looked like a bar? Green crosses on the windows?

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The very same. Haven’t lived in Denver since 2018 though, got that bad clone in like 2015 so take that with a grain of salt.

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I have the same regimen. All clones are treated like an infectious disease. I only take cuts with 1 or 2 sets of leaves… microscope the shit out of them. Routine dipping and spraying. Full on quarantine area. Never a problem.


I brought in spider mites to my cloning tent with some mulberry cuttings. The mites got on 2 cuttings. I cut every leaf off them, dipped them in isopropyl… then washed in soapy water and didn’t rinse the soap. I figured for sure they would die. Both lived! They looked like crap for a while but came through it. Edit, It also got rid of the mites.


Thanks for all the help. I think i found some winners.


Awww yeah Golden Goat is where it’s at!

I’ve had their ECSD and it’s great, bordello good too. Lime OG must be a more recent menu addition in the last few years but I’m sure it’s fiya.