Which Smell Proof Bag?

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Very hard to fool a trained dog. But there are ways… none permanant, the better ones give you a 2 days window before having to be repackaged.

@Dirt_Wizard admittedly, i used such bags a good while ago and newer bags seem to use layered frabrics alternating between carbon and tissue. Those probably help a good deal with the above cited problem.


Please do explain more.What ways do you know?Feel free to private text me if you feel It Is the case

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If packaged properly before hand. Industrial wrapping , Vaseline, coffee grounds then rewrap again , with more vas and coffee grounds. Then the transport method doesn’t much matter, we just used garbage bags , and a few times leather travel bags.

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I strongly recommend not travelling with large amounts of product. Someone had to say it.

That applies double and triple to travelling through unfriendly states/rural areas where local PD likes to stop out of towners. And quadruple to international. Just don’t fuck with international.

I had friends recently get stopped in bumfuck Indiana with a single joint and they spent the night in jail with a 3K bond. Two people in jail on a single J. I’m just saying, risk vs. reward ratio is very unbalanced.

If you’re gonna do it anyway, vac seal, gloved hands, clean clothes. Dress like someone who doesn’t have weed and do not commit a single traffic violation and check your lights before you leave. One crime at a time.

If they get the dogs out, you’re getting searched regardless of what the dog signals. The dog is an expensive prop to get probable cause because the cop is gonna say the dog signalled either way.


I literally asked for an opinion on a backpack… not about how to smuggle or distribute or cheat customs or interstate smuggling, just an opinion on a backpack.

Zero backpack related answers… and I’m very aware that vac sealers exist :roll_eyes:


That nanuk boxes are super nice! I’ve got two and love them…

And drug dogs are a shit show. Something like 70% of hits are false. They obviously have no trouble smelling pot, but they go off all the time for no reason.


Haha. I’m pretty sure if these backpacks are marketed for handling smells you’ll be OK. I have a little smell proof bag, about the size of a legal pad. 2 layers of velcro, carbon filter lining, got it on Amazon for like $15. I keep all sorts of shit in there & a normal backpack with zero smells coming out that I can notice, not trying to fool a dog. Just not trying to be stanking when staying at my family’s houses w a bunch of kids running around. That help at all? Not a backpack but the other smaller bags/pouches work real well.


I like the $20 smell proof pouch idea suggested by @Cannaology. Something like that you could toss in any backpack you desire.

That way you’re not married to that particular backpack and won’t stink up the place every time you open your bag.


Don’t have any experience with the backpacks. But the Grove Bags are cheap ($1.25 for 1oz bag), come in any size you need, and “odor proof”.

If you’re familiar with vac sealing, then put it in a regular backpack. Stay safe. I wouldn’t waste 2 bills on a smell resistant backpack. Don’t ask questions on a public forum if you don’t like the answers.