White/black widow project

G’day people I wanted to put this out there for a future project I want to have a go at. My plan is to create some white widow seeds for all the awesome people on OG
So my plan is to utilise the various widow cultivars available. So far I have greenhouses; paradise seeds version which is from the original breeder. & Dutch passions version which they say is from the original cut.
And now I need to chase down some mr nice black widow regs and or pollen. And somehow hopefully obtain aloha white widow.
So the plan would be to select the best male from the mr nice black widow and subsequently cross wit those listed above.
Now what I’m thinking is some of the seed created from these crosses I can then grow out selecting the best of both sex to then breed to the best individuals from all the various combo’s.
I know it would be a long project but one worthwhile in my eyes.
What do you guys think? Could be a fun long term project but with excess seed from the combo’s could be given out here or perhaps a cheap auction towards OG :thinking:
Anyway please let me know what you think I’m open to ideas or criticism etc as I say it’s just something I’ve thought about for a while.
Much love! Peace :v:


I think this is a great idea! If I get my hands on more white widow or any crosses I’d be more than happy to send over some to help out a bit!


My Ole Stash Log Book indicates I have mrnice.nl Black Widow. Give me a few days to actually physically confirm. If they’re here, I’ll surely send you HALF. Hope it helps!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks heaps @PeaceCoast @misterbee ! It’s much appreciated! I’m glad you feel the idea has merit. I’ve always loved widow ever since my first introduction to it in the late 90s it absolutely blew my socks off :laughing: would love to have that feeling again! Much love guys :fist_right::fist_left:


I think Hazeman either has Aloha WW or just crosses of it. I’d check with them just in case.


I’m very enthusiastic about your project @Cranio! :+1: :+1:

Some of the best all around canna I’ve ever sampled was WW and the concept of a “Best of the Best” seed run sounds great.

I’ll definitely take a seat for the show.

PS, My goto guy for Widow crosses is the estimable @repins12 and you’d do well to tap into his expertise.


I’m gonna pull up a chair back in the corner, That is if you don’t mind :v:t4:

Sorry I’m late to the party

image (3)


Nice sounding project! I’ll follow along


Thanks guys! Ueah please do pull up a chair! Plenty of room here and I could do with any and all advice as it progresses.
@Habitt thanks for the tip on hazeman, I knew he has a few crosses of the aloha it would be sensational if he released an s1! I’d be all over it like white on rice !
@GrouchyOldMan thanks heaps for the positive comments man it makes me feel I’m on the right track! I’ll definitely be reaching out for advice from @repins12 will be invaluable to have input. I’m going to really need it once selection comes along.
Much love guys :fist_right::fist_left:


right on this is going to be nice. Ill dig and see if i have any white widow left, give me a few days and ill know. ill be checking for updates on this project for sure.


Nice project to take on @Cranio ! When I was in the Dam in 95, the first morning I went across the street to the 7 heaven coffee shop and asked for the strongest herb they had. The server, in his thick dutch accent -" That would be white window. It’s so strong,the locals don’t even smoke it." And I was like, well tune me up, that’s the shit I want! I rolled up a fatty and got so high that I couldn’t be inside. Herb had never gotten me that high before. When I turned my head to quick, my field of vision would turn 90 degrees, so everything looked like it was sideways. I had to go buy some magic mushrooms to mellow out.
White Widow will always hold a spot in my heart.
Best of luck with your project! :grin::v::canada:


I would be happy to test some of the crosses and document them



90’s white widow - stellar and strong

love to see the redux in 2023


Just some background…(from WikiLeaf)

About White Widow

History & Genetics

Legendary for its off-the-charts resin production, White Widow is a staple sativa-dominant hybrid with powerful energizing effects. It was produced by Dutch veterans Green House Seeds in the 1990s as a cross between Brazilian indica and South Indian sativa landraces. At the time, the underground cannabis market consisted mostly of early hybrids like Northern Lights and Haze, but White Widow has since joined the ranks of these legendary strains, winning an early High Times Cannabis Cup in 1995 and several awards since. Bred specifically for a high trichome count, White Widow is especially valued in the production of hash. This strain has an average THC composition of 20%, with some phenotypes exceeding that amount.

Appearance, Aroma, & Flavor

Buds of White Widow are chunky and somewhat conical and tapered. The bud structure of the flowers are more sativa than indica, with a loose and fluffy texture that can be broken up somewhat easily despite its stickiness. The leaves are spring green with few visible pistils.

When grown successfully, buds are entirely covered in long-stalked trichomes, lending the whitish-gray appearance that gives the strain its memorable name. White Widow is known for having a stinging, ammonia-like scent with some hints of earthy pine. Breaking buds open gives off a more hashy, incense-like odor. The smooth smoke tastes similarly earthy — cannabis consumers accustomed to fruity or tasty crossbreeds may be disappointed by White Widow’s relative lack of flavor. That said, White Widow is especially pungent when combusted, so smokers worried about discretion should plan accordingly.

About Black Widow

History & Genetics

Black Widow is a sativa dominant hybrid that has won several awards including Number One at the 1995 High Times Cannabis Cup. Black Widow is a dark deviation from its older sibling White Widow. Both are a mix of a Brazilian sativa and a South-Indian indica. Mr. Nice Seeds teamed up with Shantibaba and used selective breeding on White Widow to create a strain that is easy to grow and that produces high yields with a THC content of over 20%.

Appearance, Aroma, & Flavor

The super-dense bright green buds are speckled with fine purple and orange-red hairs and frosted with trichomes. It provides a skunk yet sweet aroma as well as a floral fragrance. The taste can be a bit more diesel-like or skunky.

Buds of White Widow are chunky and somewhat conical and tapered. The bud structure of the flowers are more sativa than indica, with a loose and fluffy texture that can be broken up somewhat easily despite its stickiness. The leaves are spring green with few visible pistils.

When grown successfully, buds are entirely covered in long-stalked trichomes, lending the whitish-gray appearance that gives the strain its memorable name. White Widow is known for having a stinging, ammonia-like scent with some hints of earthy pine. Breaking buds open gives off a more hashy, incense-like odor. The smooth smoke tastes similarly earthy — cannabis consumers accustomed to fruity or tasty crossbreeds may be disappointed by White Widow’s relative lack of flavor. That said, White Widow is especially pungent when combusted, so smokers worried about discretion should plan accordingly.


maybe some white rhino mixed in there somewhere? (medicine man)

just my first thought :thinking: :v:


Good project @Cranio :+1:

I’ll follow along and watch the fun.



Will follow along with grow also, white Widow was the first strain i ordered when I started growing.


Awesome response guys thanks :blush: this definitely makes me feel like I’m heading in the right direction.
@Budderton haha man I loved that memory you shared lol I could picture it :laughing: it seems to be one of those stand out strains for sure! My first introduction to genuine widow over here was from a dude I met ending at the local bmx track; his brother grew it from seeds brought back here under good old mercury vapor lights and wow :ok_hand: I’ll never forget that frost covered beauty so I took my gram back to my shed and smoked up; I woke up an hour later lol and went straight back and bought a half ounce lol there was no way I could resist that frosty goodness!
A real smack you in the face stone ever since I’ve chased that quality goodness. I hold that memory as a goal of this project to re create that magic


Here’s my favorite Widow, the “Purple Widow.” Dutch genetics, ILGM via Green House Seeds I think.


@noknees yeah man I had thought that myself, great minds think alike! But my intention is to have a strictly “pure” widow but I can definitely utilise some of the crossed cultivars at a later stage to experiment crossing in some rhino. I’ll see how I go :fist_right::fist_left: