Who can't sleep!

Melatonin… After 10 days or so of taking before bed. Sleep is good.
Decreases your chance of Covid also…Science


I go to bed at 12 and wake at 430. It’s been like this for 20 years. Last night I slept 2 and a half hours. I have a busy day every day. I fall asleep by reading every night.


meant to lay down for an hour, slept for 6


Ginger tea + yoga.

Strongly assume that you shall sleep well. Expect it. Believe it. Know it.

Talk to your body: “Awesome strong healthy fleshy vehicle kept alive by my soul, we’re going to sleep now. Thank you for your cooperation magnificent cells I flow through as we rejuvinate all that I am.”

Don’t hold back on the self love.

Sleep bricks.


Mulungu tea ( Erythrina mulungu), drops in half an hour.
You should relax, it’s a good sleep inducer.
Try to sleep at the same time, eat a few hours earlier, light food.

My ten cents…


I’m awake right now only because I spend 2 weeks on nights & 2 weeks on days… I’m in night mode attempting to switch into day mode. I’ve got Till Monday to figure it out… Again.


Went to bed at 10:30pm…out of bed at 4:30am!!!
Can’t say there was much sleep, or hunka chunka, bed, bouncy love going on. :astonished:
Chronic acute low back pain is the worst!


ive got two torn Rotar cuffs, prob something else, my neck also kills me.
i toss and turn and get 4 hours if im lucky,
i smoke before i go to bed and i take these natural pills with Valen root, and two other herbs,’
i like to tel myself it helps but as soon as i turn one way or the other im up.
i use to get mad and stay in bed and then be tired all day, then i decided ill just get up
sometimes im up at 3 other times 4, once in a while i am up at 2, wide awake with tons of energy
now i find myself lucky when i do sleep.
now i just think it is important to pretend to sleep

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I hate to sound like a wussy novice at the insomnia game but dumbass Tylenol PM actually works for me. I tried the typical doctor meds but I felt walleyed and stupid for hours every morning. A friend suggested the Tylenol PM tabs and voila. Jus sayin.


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You twist guys for a living? Sounds kinky.

You’re not supposed to take it daily for more than 2 weeks but I’m on like a month now (and not the first time). What’s this about decreasing covid risk?

Just a heads up the sleep agent in Tylenol PM is diphenhydramine which is the active ingredient in Unisom and most other over the counter sleep aids and Benadryl.


Not getting good sleep sucks. I had some insomnia/restless sleeping issues and found relief in tincture. After a while…I learned to sleep again and rarely take it now. I’m quite thrilled with that outcome.

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The use of melatonin, a naturally occurring tryptophan derivative synthesized in the pineal gland and immune cells, is a potential treatment option to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms due to its known anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and protective antioxidant mechanisms


Medical Subject Headings terms “COVID-19” and “viral diseases” were manually searched on PubMed, and relevant articles were included.


The results showed that melatonin acts to reduce reactive oxygen species–mediated damage, cytokine-induced inflammation, and lymphopenia in viral diseases similar to COVID-19.


These conclusions provide evidence for potential benefits in melatonin use for COVID-19 treatment as early as the day of diagnosis.


Interesting. Thanks for the info! I knew it had some neuro protective properties with it’s antioxidants but didn’t realize it was an anti inflammatory or immunomodulatory. I would have attributed everything to the simple fact that it let you get some restorative sleep. Pretty cool.


To make it work you need to have sufficient vitamin B1 Niacin.

Lack of vitamin B1 causes sleep problems as well as anxiety and poor functioning autonomic nervous system.

Most people are difficient to some degree of vit B1, you really need all your B vits for a healthy nervous system.


Niacin is B3, I believe, but otherwise :+1: I’m having my morning tea right now, yerba mate features prominently and has the whole range of B vitamins. D3 is another one that I take supplements for. Too much indoor lighting, not enough sunlight… I’m pale anyway, but I’ll pass on the lethargic.

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Sorry I get confused with B1 Thiamine and B3 Niacine.

Really for your body to function well you need all vits, minerals and amino acids every day.

They all rely on each other in some form or combination to do their jobs properly. Or allow your body to produce hormones and enzymes nessacary for proper functioning.


I have trouble sleeping and have had success with topical (spray) magnesium supplements. Somewhere around 10 sprays on my legs near bedtime.


I didn’t even realize there was a spray like that, pretty cool. It makes sense though because when I was researching making balm I needed to make sure there was no psychoactive effects and it said if you wanted them you had to add magnesium stearate to allow it to absorb into the bloodstream.

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Meh :pensive:, I guess I’ll get lots of sleep while I’m in between lives.

Pain and re-arrangement/loss hormones are a life force suck! :cry:



Marshallese cult(“church”) holding nightly rave/karaoke/sermon until :man_shrugging: anytime a.m. :crescent_moon: Finally called the po-po & they actually visited them. :partying_face: The ‘congregants’ fled in their shameful jalopies post haste.

This nightly routine was exacerbated by a severely unbalanced ceiling fan on the floor beneath me… leading me to it’s discovery & a little good 'ole B&E (since it’s unoccupied) and a few hours of rest.

One of those rarer moments that I appreciate being descended from the Japanese-sized Vikings :thinking: and being able to squeeze through a small window with ease.

But, honestly, I can’t help but feel only a scorched earth campaign with prolonged countermeasures will prevent future pollution.

Puttin’ the pol in pollution since Adam & Eve :wastebasket: :baby:
